Plug - LL Fly Shop

schultzy - That article written by Cathy has appeared on the LLFS website for many years (pre-SRC). I know I always really liked the Becks, and always got along well with them. I'm always greeted at the Somerset show by Cathy, and she knows me by name. Two of my most revered individuals in the entire industry have been sucked into the SRC quagmire, and quite frankly, this pains me to no end.

Perhaps Barry and Cathy will realize the magnitude of their actions in this sad state of affairs and renounce their membership in the SRC. I don't think the public will ever forget, but it would go a long way toward healing an open wound. They're talented enough to make a comfortable living without joining the "Dark Side". Let's hope this happens for everyone's sake.
tabasco_joe wrote:
I've thought about attending one of the stream access meetings. He still has the June date posted. Any idea if there is another meeting planned?

Joe - I don't have the answer to that question, but tomorrow I'm going to stop by the shop and visit my friend Rod. I just feel the need to shake his hand and thank him for his efforts. It's been too long since I've visited him! I'll post what I find out about the next stream access meeting. It looks like we've got one SERIOUS grumpy old guy leading this fight! He's a very smart man with a lot of the "right connections". I'm sure they'd appreciate more help. I don't relish the thought of losing this fight and having to explain why I didn't get involved and help where I could to future generations of fly fishermen.
For some people, principles trump profit and for others, profit trumps principles. And, perhaps for some others still, it depends on what day it is. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stonefly."
JackM wrote:
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stonefly."

That'd look like 7:45 AM on opening day! :-D

For anyone interested, the next stream access meeting is scheduled for August 19 at 6 PM. And anyone that thinks there aren't a lot of trout in the Little Lehigh needs to go fish the Trico hatch right now. The fishing was terrific, and I didn't see another fly fisherman all morning! (I fished in the parkway). Its always a good sign when you catch a fish while stripping line off the reel to make your first cast. :cool:
I only caught this topic early and the first thing I thought was is this man feeling OK? Is he sick or in pain? I work with a diabetic and he's all sunshine one day and a grouch the next. He was a grouch on Tuesday and is now on medical leave for a infection in his toes. I really hope he doesn't lose them. Everytime I jump to conclusions I end up with a bruise in regret.
Just another thought about the LLFS (which I believe was the original thread's topic): before Rod got the shop going, that lower parking lot was a sleasy and troublesome spot. A number of unsavory folks hung out there, unfortunately about the time the sulfurs hatched. These folks drew worse people of the criminal persuasion and I could relate to anglers who pack.

Once Rod and his posse moved in, the whole area has improved by orders of magnitude. Some of this may be demographics (all those New Yorkers and yuppies moving into the Lehigh Valley), and no doubt the Park staff has done a masterful job in spiffing up the entire Parkway system. Any time you can feel you and your vehicle (and contents) are safe, with kids, seniors and young lasses walking and jogging without armed guards is a good one. And I do know Rod and group did some tactical interventions in the early days that I believe changed the character and ambiance of the area for the better.
