Please take some time to fill this out and send it to the CTDEP



New member
Feb 6, 2010
New expanded catch and release regulations in jeopardy of not being passed. If any of you enjoy fishing the Farmington River please take one minute of your day and copy and paste this e mail and send it in. They are trying to expand the current catch and release section nearly two miles. This will create more opportunities to catch nice large holdover trout. In addition to the expanded catch and release there will be a seasonal catch and release area from the upper end of the new c and r section all the way up to the dam AND downstream of the c and r section all the way down to the current seasonal TMA. What this means is that there will be more fishable water and more fish. It's a win win!

The e mail is:

To: Bill Foreman
DEP Inland Fisheries Division
79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Fax#: 860-424-4070

Dear Mr. Foreman, I am writing this letter to show my support for the proposed changes in the Farmington River Trout Management Area. The expansion of the Trout Management Area to the bridge abutments at the tail out of the Whittemore pool, and the changes to the other areas of the river down to the Route 177 Bridge in Unionville are well thought out, and long over due.

However, there is one change in the proposed regulations which I DO NOT support. All three sections of the new proposals relating to the Farmington River require that the fish be released “without avoidable injury”. And yet the regulations requiring the use of barbless hooks has been eliminated from the proposal. Barbless hooks allow for reduced handling and a faster release of the fish, thus reducing unwanted injury. To eliminate this requirement makes no sense. Barbless hooks in the Trout Management Area have been required since its inception, and to remove this provision at this time would be counter productive to releasing the fish without avoidable injury. Please consider reinstating the barbless hook requirement in the TMA, and if you wish to standardize the regulations, make barbless hooks required for the entire section of the river in the proposal. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Did it, now I expect someone to go there with me and teach me the stream lol
How far of a drive is that from Jersey ?