Pithole Creek



New member
Apr 22, 2012
Anyone have any experience on the section of Pithole Creek which runs down to the river? Just wondered if it would be worth trying this fall.
Yeah, but it's been a very long time. While stocked farther up, it has wild browns in that section. Not spectacular, but they were there. Certainly better structure than farther up.

It is mostly private land, I believe, and I have no idea regarding the posting situation.
I fished it this past spring. Walked about a mile upstream from the mouth. Its a lovely stream with some nice holding water but I only caught a couple browns and saw very few other fish. I've seen other fisherman there before, so its probably just me. Only posted signs I saw were on a private road above the east bank. Here's a picture:


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Thanks for the info & picture. Looks like a nice stream although smaller than I pictured it. Doesn't seem overly abundant with fish. Maybe it's not very fertile or fished more than I thought it would be.
I think it's pretty fertile, most of the streams in that region are. It's also not fished heavy down there.

Temps are marginal, I think. And I'm not sure whether it has many appropriate breeding sites.
Back when I was paying attention, Pithole was always a mystery to be. It had a lot of nice habitat, was as cold as any other stream of its class in the region and it always had pretty good numbers of small wild fish, or at least more than most of the streams of its type in NW Pa. But the fish seemed to be spotty without any clear causal relationship to the habitat (much like Hemlock Creek, a similar stream) and I very, very seldom caught any wild fish more than an inch or so over legal size.

I finally decided it was simply a weird place..
Just as an afterthought, the temps at the mouth of Pithole have to be within the comfort range for trout, at least for a pretty fair portion of the year. I say this because the area around the mouth at Oleopolis was about the farthest downstream point on the Allegheny that was recognized as a worthwhile area to fish the river for bigger trout during the gray fox, isonychia and brown drake hatches.
A better explanation for the lack of big trout may be the season in which you fish it, and where those fish are at the time. Hemlock certainly doesn't lack big fish. At least not at certain times of the year. :)

While I only have limited personal history with Pithole, from what I understand from people who fish it more is that it's a similar situation.
This is a stream that doesnt need any publicity.
busch beer doesnt need publicity either, it sucks.
Zing !
As a teen I used to fish it. Only then we called it $&ithole Creek.
I'm no pro on Pithole, but I know a few other streams in that area very well and if it is like they are timing is everything. Right now may be a good time since it is a cold water outlet and the river is **** warm.