Pine Creek Delayed Harvest extension

troutbert wrote:
BradFromPotter wrote:
troutbert wrote:
I think extending the DH area is a good idea. I recommend making it from the dam at Galeton downstream to Waterville.


Because when you go fishing, lots of fish > fewer fish.

I wish that were true :)

If Pine was DH then I would have to keep more brook trout from the smaller streams.

Seriously, I only kept 6 trout from Pine last year. Also no native brook trout were kept last year.
Does anyone know why the PFBC does not stock section 9 of Pine Creek?

That would be .5 mile below Campbells Run to the bridge in Blackwell or roughly the lower half of the "canyon".
Here's a video of Tom discussing the proposed expansion. If you support it, send in your comments.


@shortrod, I would imagine that there is not much angler usage of that stretch compared to the upper end. Even just biking I see a lot more people between Darling Run and Tiadaghton, than Tiadaghton to Blackwell. A lot of flat water too.
Yep - if you support extending the special reg section about a mile and a half all means write in support of this. Tom is soliciting emails and hard copy letters in support and asks for your name, date, address, and some info on how often you visit, etc (see video link from Salvelinus above).
Send your comments in support to:

Slate Run Tackle
PO Box 1
RT 414
Slate Run, PA 17769
Mike asked;
Define crowded. My understanding is that some thought that one angler for each 50 yds of the DH area represented crowding on the busiest days. On a stream that is the size of Pine Ck, that concentration of fishermen is hardly my definition of crowding.

Dozens of anglers over the 1 mile section, it does keep you from moving around much and keeping the experience a good one. On the other hand Pine Creek is large water, I suppose it's the largest trout stream in PA. But it does get crowded enough the the usage impacts the experience. It's a destination stream for many hundreds, if not thousands of anglers so PFBC should listen and not give a knee jerk reaction, they always blame anglers for this.
It is a double edged sword, because if you lengthen the section it'll draw even more anglers. For the record I'm not constrained by the boundaries.
shortrod2 wrote:
Does anyone know why the PFBC does not stock section 9 of Pine Creek?

That would be .5 mile below Campbells Run to the bridge in Blackwell or roughly the lower half of the "canyon".
To my knowledge this section is heavily stocked, anyway there are plenty of trout there.

If you check the 2014 stocking schedule section 9 is not listed. I don't know if it was in other years.
Chaz wrote:

To my knowledge this section is heavily stocked ...

Unless I am reading the PFBC stocking listings wrong, section 9 is not listed. For Tioga county, sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 are listed.

I am fairly certain that it has not been listed from 2010 to the present.

Chaz wrote:
... anyway there are plenty of trout there.

I don't doubt it, I just find it strange that section 9 is not listed.
Maybe one of the many clubs stocks there.
I just sent my e mail for support of the extension of the delayed harvest. Slate Run Sportsmen Club and Straub Brewery stock some fine Brown Trout. Its getting more difficult to rely on the State to stock fish in size and numbers. I think it's worth a couple minutes to write a quick email. I hope this passes.
Only way of making pine a really good stream is to narrow it by half and putting enough conifers along it to bring it back to its former self. then you would see brookies again over 12" and wild too.