Philly Area Fly Tying

marcq wrote:
im game. this is everyone brings a vice and some tying stuff right? elkens park is kinda between philly and cheltenham. its probably the cheltenham side, and i never knew there was a fly shop there.

Somehow this thread got sided tracked. My idea (and it is by no means the only way to go) was to meet at say a Dunkin Donuts that has tables and buy some coffee where the guy tying that night would bring his tying stuff and tie the fly. The other guys would then use his stuff to tie the same fly with some one-on-one instruction. Afishinado offered us to use the Orvis shop. This Elkins Park thing is another way to go and sounds like it might be great for some guys.

I'll pull my idea off the table for now because it seems like guys can go to Mainline or Elkins Park.
no thread hijacking intended, just filling in some blanks. Yes George bought Frank's business, it's another local resource.
I wouldn't shelve your idea , a low key meet up might work but the more people involved makes for logistic and timing issues and when you add the internet it just tends to multiply.
Foxgap239 wrote:
Somehow this thread got sided tracked. My idea (and it is by no means the only way to go) was to meet at say a Dunkin Donuts that has tables and buy some coffee where the guy tying that night would bring his tying stuff and tie the fly. The other guys would then use his stuff to tie the same fly with some one-on-one instruction. Afishinado offered us to use the Orvis shop. This Elkins Park thing is another way to go and sounds like it might be great for some guys.

I'll pull my idea off the table for now because it seems like guys can go to Mainline or Elkins Park.

I like your idea Fox. The only problem would be organizing it so that someone takes the lead each time. I'm sure that there is room for another group, so I wouldn't pull it off the table just yet. If you do go forward with it and it is in the Plymouth meeting area or someplace like that I would definitely be in.
Maybe you should just get a group together and see how it evolves.
Sounds like a great idea fox. I think a D&D might be a little small. You will get an ok turn out if you stay in Philly. Also where is this fly shop in Ellen's park? I live 15 minutes from there and have never heard or seen it in my life.
Okay, how about if we give it a try. I'll setup an evening the week of April 23rd with Afishinado at the orvis shop in Ply Mtg and we can see if the idea is a winner. If we wish, after the tying we can go have a beer at Capones. I will also look for another place in Philly that we can use every other month so that one month guys have to drive a bit and one month they can stay close to home.

I'll tie two flies (both very easy and quite effective). I'll tie a comparadun mayfly and a CDC & Elk Caddis. I'll bring enough material so that others who want to try can give each a go. I was thinking maybe a 7PM start and those coming can let me know if there are any bad evenings. I was thinking Wednesday, but you guys let me know.

I would however look into Mainline and George's business. I know Mainline well and they are a good group, that's where I got my start. Frank Theobald was a great guy (I hope he still is) and if George kept up Frank's service motto, you can't go wrong there either.
I would meet you at the orvis shop old man tweed but I can only due thur-sun . The shop at plymouth meeting has plenty of space and if your out of materials just get out of your seat and grab it off the wall and capones you can't beat that beer selection . Dave we can set up a face time account for you so you can join us .
If you are going to meet at the Orvis shop, I' in.
Sorry, guys I got incredibly busy and complete forgot the tentative date was coming up. If there is still interest, I'll look for a date in May to start this. With the way the hatches are going, everything may be done by May with plenty of time for tying.
May would be much easier for me. After say Temple's finals second week. Definitely in though.
May will be better for me also. Friday night is the only bad time.
I'd be up to meet up also if theres room. I'll keep checking back for a starting date.
BTW,i have a place in CC.we could always meet wife goes to bed early,but a six to eight meet up or something like that could work.
Ok I talked to my local fly shop here in Delaware County. The great folks at the Sporting Gentleman in Media said they would be glad to have us in their store. Not only is it owned by good people and a well stocked shop we would have a good selection of places to go for a bite to eat and a couple of beers. Theres Iron Hill, Sligo, or Pinocchio's. Pinocchio's has a beer garden by the way. All we need to do is decide on a date and time!
Sounds good to me. It would be terrific to meet you guys. Have been to some Main Line meetings, also.
Im down Fox, just keep me posted.
A few guys asked me about this at our newbie brush up day last Saturday. I have not forgotten or abandoned this idea but May and June have suddenly flilled up with work travel for me and I don't want to schedule something here and then have to travel for work. I will get something togehter after work slows down a bit.

If someone else wants to take the lead in the meantime, please do so and I'll try to make it if I can. I think Afishinado would still get us access to use the shop during the week.
I might be able to make the orvis shop in plymouth meeting depending on the time. I work right down the street so if the timing is convenient I may be in.
I'm game for either the sporting gentleman or Orvis Plymouth Meeting