With that background, I'm sure he will try to do good things.

The big question is whether or not we will support those efforts?

The great majority of people who fish for wild trout probably have never sent a letter or even an email stating their support for good wild trout management.

The other side is not so reluctant to express their opinions to the decision makers.

Fredrick wrote:
I hope he makes snakeheads a gamefish :-D

HAHAHAHAHA! come on it's not like they are wild trout.
Landowner relationships would be a good start....

ryansheehan wrote:
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
I hope his first action is to tell Harrisburg he is reducing stocking in the counties that have the politicians that voted against a license increase.

That would be priceless!

It would be the biggest slap in the face to the state legislators. I agree, that would be something else that would put a smile on my face. Probably not the best course of action, however.
I am cracking up at Sal's post. Then they fire him and the next guy does the SAME and so on.......
poopdeck wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
I hope he makes snakeheads a gamefish :-D

HAHAHAHAHA! come on it's not like they are wild trout.

Swamp trout :lol: