PFBC Meeting

Maurice is right Ron. This must be really important for you stop tying green weenies and write a letter. Maybe it was between your beach time on the banks of the Clarion River?
Maurice: Just read your note to the PFBC and it was excellent!!! A great summary of a number of points of interest re. the DHALO, the PFBC and fly fishing. Well done!!! Also, as a point of interest I am having a tough time trying to understand why the PFBC has singled out the sixteen and under group...I know its about selling licenses, but why these youngsters need to fish the DHALO's to harvest trout is tough to grasp. Having had quite a bit of experience teaching youngsters (including my granddaughters) about fly fishing, I find the PFBC assumption about these young folks a little disturbing. I have maintained that catch and release is a type of environmental conservation we should all practice and strangely enough these young people seem to grasp the concept pretty quickly. I often think that is why many of the youngsters become interested in fly fishing to begin with and the DHALOs provide them the opportunity to catch more fish more often. Seems like a simple concept to me. But maybe the PFBC has done extensive research with this age group and these are the results of their research...nah, didn't think so!!!
And Dave for your information, insulting the success of the Green Weeny is also disturbing to me. Thus during the Homecoming parade next year, besides my well publicized parade interests, I will be handing out personalized Green Weenies to all in attendance, don't wait in line,...cause in the words of the Soup Nazi: "No Weeny for you!!!"
Can I just send a note to PFBC saying "plus one" to Maurice Chioda's remarks?
Used it and wrote "^+1 Maurice Chioda." Hopefully that made sense to them.
Doane mock me wound eye.
Make sure your family members are writing letters too. My wife did.
I was thinking of drafting random letters and seeking out citizens to mail them in. Maybe pay them a couple bucks to sign their name and I'd even spring for the stamp.
This would be like a bat symbol in the sky in this proposal would be a approved. big fish here
I don't understand the bat symbol reference, but this idea has circulated off and on for a few years, but this is the first that I know that it has been mentioned in public. Theoretical candidate streams had even been selected at one point, so it looks as though those lists may need to be dusted off in the future. There were not many good candidates in SE Pa, as in my view they were going to need to be biger streams of a few miles length wholly on public land that stay cool for at least part of the summer or else smaller navigable water. In SE Pa that would be quite a limited list.
I thought there was already all-tackle, trophy trout so I guess the only difference here is that the fish would be stocked? Without more details on what they are thinking, I'm not sure I have any thoughts on it yet....

PAFBC lists the Yough as Trophy Trout, but could have swore I saw a sign on Penns that listed this reg, but could be wrong.
Dan this isn't about trophy trout. its is about a long standing regulation of artificial lures only(DHALO), with until a specific date when fish can be harvested using artificial lures until labor day.

The proposal is to change several factors within the regulation to:

- include bait for harvest period.
- Allow children to use bait year round there.
-lower the min size limit for harvest to 7" from 9"
- and move the harvest period up a few weeks to the Saturday before Memorial day.

Don't try to compare it to other only detracts from the issue.
My two cents to the PFBC:
"I am strongly opposed to the proposed changes to the Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only waters. With so many miles of stocked trout streams in Pennsylvania and only 2% of those miles under the DHALO there is no valid reason for these changes. There are plenty of great trout streams with easy access for children and bait fisherman to enjoy.

For many years I've paid for a fishing license in PA and purchase many dollars worth of equipment and supplies from fly shops and stores in PA. I really don't think 2% of the stream miles dedicated to DHALO so fisherman like myself can have an opportunity to find trout in a stream whether on a fly or spinner for more than just opening day.

I really do not begrudge the bait fishermen but with 98% stocked stream miles open to them I can't understand why that's not enough?

If anything there should be more DHALO miles. Maybe we should alternate every other year with 98% being DHALO. Can you propose that?"
I just sent my comments to the PFBC. Long story short, don't fix something that is not broken. I let them know I am strongly opposed to ANY rule changes on ANY DHALO areas.
I'll play devil's advocate here.

"They" have 98%.

"We" have 100%.

This is the argument often presented to me.

My response is there is no "they." Everyone fishes with a rod and reel. Except for the FFOs the only factor that is truly relevant is what is attached at the terminal end of the line. Choices, choices...
"They" can fish elbow to elbow, "we" need twenty feet or so at least.