Maurice: Just read your note to the PFBC and it was excellent!!! A great summary of a number of points of interest re. the DHALO, the PFBC and fly fishing. Well done!!! Also, as a point of interest I am having a tough time trying to understand why the PFBC has singled out the sixteen and under group...I know its about selling licenses, but why these youngsters need to fish the DHALO's to harvest trout is tough to grasp. Having had quite a bit of experience teaching youngsters (including my granddaughters) about fly fishing, I find the PFBC assumption about these young folks a little disturbing. I have maintained that catch and release is a type of environmental conservation we should all practice and strangely enough these young people seem to grasp the concept pretty quickly. I often think that is why many of the youngsters become interested in fly fishing to begin with and the DHALOs provide them the opportunity to catch more fish more often. Seems like a simple concept to me. But maybe the PFBC has done extensive research with this age group and these are the results of their research...nah, didn't think so!!!
And Dave for your information, insulting the success of the Green Weeny is also disturbing to me. Thus during the Homecoming parade next year, besides my well publicized parade interests, I will be handing out personalized Green Weenies to all in attendance, don't wait in line,...cause in the words of the Soup Nazi: "No Weeny for you!!!"