PFBC granted authority to set license fees

The couple of cigars I smoke and the whiskey I sip while fishing cost me more on one outing than my license & trout stamp. I’m sure the rest of you have similar expenses that also make a fishing license one of the cheapest parts of the process…

Therefore, I have zero issues with a license fee increase or the PFBC setting the rates.

I feel I am getting much more than my money's worth fishing in the Commonwealth and I don't harvest or use boat launches. Sure, the money gets spent on stuff I may not embrace fully or things I don’t utilize, but is that something new with fees or taxes?

However, what I would like to see the money spent on is protection of what we already got in the way MORE law enforcement officers or a combining of the PFBC, PAGC, DCNR law enforcement agencies to put more LEO’s on the waterways, State Forests, State Parks and wherever else they are needed.

I watch most of the reality TV shows about fish & game agencies and feel cheated that in my lifetime I can count on one and a half hands the number of times I have encountered a Conservation Officer of any kind while fishing in PA.

It would be nice to have one sneak up on me once in a while just so I know there are enough of them out there to deal with the schlubs who don’t play by the rules!!
I've been checked twice while fishing, both officers were very professional, and very gracious. AND wanted to know what flies I was using, because they were planning on fishing in the next couple days!! lol!!
Good for them to be free of the politicians rule. Well, as free as they can be.
Just based on historical observation, I don't have any problem saying that the less involved the Pa. Legislature is in the nuts and bolts of fisheries management (including license prices, etc.) in PA the better. Given that, I'm glad the Commission will be able to set their own fees. Appointed or not, I trust the Commissioners a whole lot more than I do the legislators.
BrookieChaser wrote:
I'm torn on this decision.

Pennsylvania's wild resources belong to the citizens of the commonwealth. The state house and senate are our voices (supposedly). The PFBC board of commissioners are appointed by the governor. This takes our "voice" out of the license price equation. We all remember how the "stocking over class a" comments were solicited then ignored by the board of commissioners.

It’s curious that you think that ‘your voice’ didn’t support stocking. Local representatives get a lot more phone calls about lack of stocking than over stocking. They support stocking in their districts and want more of it.

Perhaps this will allow the PFBC not to be held hostage and allowed to make decisions based with science and facts more than just some old heads complaining about not getting to snap necks in every stream like they were allowed to 40 years ago.
allan_s wrote:
BrookieChaser wrote:
I'm torn on this decision.

Pennsylvania's wild resources belong to the citizens of the commonwealth. The state house and senate are our voices (supposedly). The PFBC board of commissioners are appointed by the governor. This takes our "voice" out of the license price equation. We all remember how the "stocking over class a" comments were solicited then ignored by the board of commissioners.

It’s curious that you think that ‘your voice’ didn’t support stocking. Local representatives get a lot more phone calls about lack of stocking than over stocking. They support stocking in their districts and want more of it.

Perhaps this will allow the PFBC not to be held hostage and allowed to make decisions based with science and facts more than just some old heads complaining about not getting to snap necks in every stream like they were allowed to 40 years ago.

I believe Brookie Chaser was referencing the PO and stocking over the class a population.
They got an overwhelming amount of "old heads" and young ones against stocking it.

They stocked it anyways.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
I believe Brookie Chaser was referencing the PO and stocking over the class a population.
They got an overwhelming amount of "old heads" and young ones against stocking it.

They stocked it anyways.

And during that period they were trying to get a license increase and working with local representatives to get support. Support is gone when you tell a representative you are no longer stocking the most popular stream or streams in their district.
Ah ok.
Thank you i see what you are saying here.

Even still i loved Arway's move. If anything it woke people up to just how messed up the legislative body is in this regard.

It would have been even better if the new commissioners first act was the same.
Stocked streams boost the economy. Think about it. Cabins full with lights on, groceries, drinks, boots, nets, hooks, sinkers, license, money flowing. The "BIG DAY", everyone waited for is here. Cookout's streamside, dog's, burgers and more. When we try to limit stocking we actually limit all those folks that make a small living on fishing.

I never really saw cabins full on wild streams. Besides, stocking over wild fish, in reality, has no effect on the wild population. Now, many will disagree. You can buy their books and buy their videos.

Rightfully so, not all streams need stocking but to remove stocking will "keep the cabins dark again".
Dear Maxima,

There are 1000's of scientific studies that conclude stocking over wild populations has adverse effects on the wild population.
What reality are we talking about?
maxima12 wrote:

Besides, stocking over wild fish, in reality, has no effect on the wild population.

I thought you supported the PFBC?

The PFBC biologists have been saying since the 1970s that stocking over wild trout hurts their populations, which is why they began Operation Future, which was surveying the trout populations, then taking the higher level wild trout population streams off the stocking list, and shifting those trout to other waters.

And they have been doing that ever since. But that has been slowed down by people like yourself.

You should be supporting the PFBC biologists. But you're opposing them.

Your wrong. Wild fish thrive and the stocking of fish over top, Big Deal, the bridges, close to road, easy access. The question? How many wild trout. I start to think, wild reproduction when i see fingerlings. I get a rail when i catch 6 inch brownies and smaller with all the "GLORY COLORS". Did not catch many, last year, wonder how the acid rain from Ohio, has impacted this and wonder how the draw of water had reverse effects.

Now, let us talk a little about the SCAM. I keep you in my pocket and draw from you. Just a little at a time, over time my draw, provides wealth! Put the small guys out and i get more! How many good people have been put out! You tell me, isee it and you tell it here!

Lucky, there is still a crowd, powerful indeed, that believes stocking is good for the salvation of the "Little Shops", the regular, kind people, mom and dad!

The fight is on. 20 years ago, i would have told you, "Step back", get away, or else! Or else what! "I have no problem, escorting you out the door. Easy or with a wicked desire. Wicked always cost me $2000.00 dollars and 2 years probation!

Think, the full circle, the vast, that wants to catch a fish. They deserve it, I guess, the question now is "SHARE".

If i put a price on all i do fishing, what a loss, i would take! I gamble, for the win, of a lifetime! Seems many have lost, time for the real gain game!


Bittersweet! Grab a go on this one!

Ill stick with the scientific studies. :lol:
If i was like you, it would not be fair to the rest! Fairness, the link that binds all men!

Maxima12 Bound by Respect! Deserving of none! Playful by nature, fooled by the system of "DOWNS". I will not be fooled no more! Tricks, got some myself! Up my sleeve, ready to be shown!
Fairness does not negate scientific evidence.

If i was like you it wouldnt change this fact. If we were all like you, it still doesnt change facts.
Science, i was blinded by science! Till i opened my eyes. The orange, black and blue, became clearer! Not the color but what made the color! The blend, yes, just like a Manhattan, the blend. Hope to reach some for the perfect blend! You could say of "SPIRITS".

Yeah? Right from the cellar! Crafted with a fine and gentle age! The perfect blend! Get some!
Yes, but you must be mindful of who does the scientific study and who pays for it and if either of them has their own agenda. If you start with the answer you want, you can pencil whip the data to match your agenda and get that answer.