PFBC granted authority to set license fees



Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007
I did not see this posted or discussed here (apologies if this is a duplicate), but just saw a note about it in the PA TU newsletter. HB 808 became law on July 10, after passing both chambers of the legislature, but without Wolf signing it. It allows the PFBC to set their own license fees, beginning July 2021. There's a public approval process and the Fish and Game Committee still has to sign off, so it's not a complete hands off approach from the legislature, but it should allow them a little bit more control over setting the price of licenses. Whether that translates into additional income remains to be seen, as license increases could drive some of the angling public away.


Not a good idea.
This is great.
Mike wrote:
This is great.

I agree.

Any amount of autonomy from the direct control of the politicians is a good thing.

Their influence has steered the PFBC in the wrong direction time and time again.
I agree.

Any amount of autonomy from the direct control of the politicians is a good thing.

Their influence has steered the PFBC in the wrong direction time and time again.

I also agree.
I agree also. Long over due to to give the authority to th PFBC. Politicians have their hands in the pockets of the special interest lobbying groups. That’s clear to most everyone.
I don’t agree with everything the PFBC does however, if it wasn’t for them, Pa would not have the fishing and boating opportunities that exist today.
Good, support the Pa. Fish Commission, all you can. There are organizations that dismantle fishing for all, just for few, only because of the money they provide. Maybe, money will not be the major problem.

Fishing, just might become fishing, again! I think i will go fishing, like it used to be! Young guys you never saw it, old fellows, do you remember! I never forgot!


So much in life has been lost, time to grab it back. The circle has begun!
I'm torn on this decision.

Pennsylvania's wild resources belong to the citizens of the commonwealth. The state house and senate are our voices (supposedly). The PFBC board of commissioners are appointed by the governor. This takes our "voice" out of the license price equation. We all remember how the "stocking over class a" comments were solicited then ignored by the board of commissioners.
Brookiechaser----the good for all? Or good for the few! The plate of fruits, all bananas, or a mixed variety! It's like the big boss, 62 workers with 62 different personalities!

You try to make everyone happy but it is, in reality, not possible!

Voice you say, now, son you are talking freedom! When was the last time you remember, when we fished free! No holds barred, just fished, without all the commercials!

I know, your wrong, do this, oh no, too bad, don't come, stay away, posted, get some, let it go, wet hands, fly only, big deal, nonsense and tired.

I have seen all the above and lucky to have all those big boy's reps and Gov. and all the gals writing it down, still trying to please me and you.

I am sure they could at least get a thank you! These patron saints are commercial free!


I totally get what you are saying.

At this point i trust the PFBC not to price us out, over trusting politicians to keep their grubby hands out of the PFBC and environmental affairs.

We have plenty of history there.

I could be mistaken, but I seem to recall state reps leveraging PAFBC funding so they can get (class A or B?) streams in their district stocked (or something like that).
I'm torn as well. As a wild native brook trout enthusiast, my concern is that the license fee increase will only result in more stocking. On the other hand, I believe they're best suited to manage the license fees themselves.

The interesting thing will be to see what the impact of a license fee increase will be. I've read all the financial reviews and studies on PAFBC's operations, and it seems to me that there's always a decrease in sales when there's a fee increase. In fact, the last time they did it, the numbers never rebounded like they were supposed to.
Sometimes we have to make decisions based on history. Some would say 'Based on Principle' and I'm not trying to say folks here don't have principle as I really believe you're all just fine. All. But there has never been a time when it's a good Idea to give any Government agency more autonomy. It never works that way. Only the contortions of many committees and clashing viewpoints ends with the proper results. And proper results aren't perfect either but rather just the the lesser of two weevils.
There are so many nuances now that it takes some do'in to determine what rules are in place in different areas. The fewer the decision makers involved the worse that will get. Look at what the Game commission has done to the rules and regs for hunting. One must be looking over their shoulder all the time to see if they're violating some season or special law.
Then there are environmental laws or concepts that many don't agree with and the fewer people involved in the rule-making process ensures that more and more of these ideas will be forced onto us. It'll get to the point where you'll need a degree in law, environmental science and accounting to pass the test for acquiring a license.
Any Decision-Making you give up rest assured you'll never get back.........ever!
Remember that little fishing regs booklet that came with your license years ago. You could memorize it in one sitting? Uh huh! Not gonna happen ever again. The more you give agencies the worse it will get.
Did you forget that they are our employees. Why would you not retain the control of your employees. Why would you give your employees more control over yourself. This does not make the individual employee bad in any way. It's just the nature of things.
The only reason that they want to be able to set their own licensing fees is the slippery slope effect. They have things in mind that the rest of us may or may not want. Once they're in charge of the funding we're off to the races.

Keep your guard up, your bets small and your money in your pocket.

As stated many times in the past, the PFBC can’t raise more trout of the present avg size because the hatcheries are at max production, given the water quality requirements for their discharges. To raise more trout would require raising smaller fish instead.

Baron: “ The only reason that they want to be able to set their own licensing fees is the slippery slope effect. They have things in mind that the rest of us may or may not want.”

Really??? Are you sure that any company, government agency, non-profit, political party, etc, etc receives 100% approval for everything it does? Pollsters consider 70% approval to be quite acceptable.

Mike wrote:
As stated many times in the past, the PFBC can’t raise more trout of the present avg size because the hatcheries are at max production, given the water quality requirements for their discharges. To raise more trout would require raising smaller fish instead.

Fair point. I'm curious if all the co-op and related hatcheries are all at max capacity?
Mike, Yes I’m sure. It’s not that anyone is right or wrong but rather it’s the nature of things. I can find examples in my own life where once the controls were thrown off I went crazy for a bit. I realize no one will go crazy here. But the truth is the more boiled down or centralized things become the more nuanced they become as well. This is recreation not medicine and I’d like it to stay that way.
And it is also true beyond saying that the more power you give to a government agency the further we as individuals are from any sense of control over our individual situation.
I could list some examples but then I’d unintentionally step on toes as perhaps I have yours. For that I apologize.