PFBC 2020 Stocking Plan

it seems that most areas that require stocked trout for "fishing opportunities" are warm-water part of the year. Why not just target what is available? These watersheds hold bass, carp, fallfish, toothy critters, etc., and all can be targeted with a fly rod.

Claiming dependence specifically upon stocked trout for "fishing opportunity" is entitlement, especially when there are viable alternatives which are better suited for that watershed.
Mike wrote:
Please square your comment in #24 with your first sentence in #28. Note as well that I never referred to children; I wes thinking of licensed anglers, primarily adults.

#24 is to point out that many states get along fine without a widespread trout stocking program or any trout program at all. It has been suggested by others that stocking somehow creates fishing opportunities for those who are at some sort of disadvantage. I think that is a bunch of bull. Trout stocking of any sort is not needed to promote fishing regardless of angler ability or location. Also, please brush up on your understanding of sarcasm and hyperbole.

#28 is a statement regarding the reality of stocking in PA. I don' t think you'll find too many who actually want to discontinue stocking. I am very much pro-wild trout but have no problem with stocking streams that do not support a stable, fishable, wild trout population. However, in relation to my comments in #24, again, a stocking program for trout is not a necessity for promoting fishing or providing the public with good fishing opportunities. Saying that it is, IMO, is just an excuse to continue doing things the way we always have.

The two posts are not contradictory and that should easily be understood.
there ain't nothing like catching a goldfish haha
"This is going to spawn a lot of lusty dreams between now and April.
Of the angling kind, anyhow."

That opener to the article was really awkward. LOL!