Petition to end the practice of stocking over wild native brook trout.

maxima12 wrote:
About a 20 person post, that sure will destroy all. Seen it all my life, a small think tank for you and never for all! I agree Trout Lives Matter.

Where were you 50 years ago, did not care? When was the last time you picked up a pen and wrote a handwritten letter! To a friend, a brother, a new kind or a old.

I got it, never! a blast to be square in a round world! A tomorrow in a today and a real
lack of Pa. adventure!

I smell your sorrow,


Somewhere along the line, I lost my decoder ring, so I might be off base here. Can you imagine if nobody ever tried to stand up for what they believe in when they knew it wasn't the popular opinion?

I'm only 42 so I wasn't around 50 years ago. It's a digital age, but I wrote some letters to some commissioners a few weeks ago.

"lack of Pa. adventure". Yeah. I've put over 3,000 miles on my truck in the last 3 weeks. I'm about to leave in a few hours to sleep in the woods for 3 days. I've got fishing licenses in TN, VA, WV, MD, PA, & NY. Sometimes you have to wander outside of your backyard to see how things could be better.

The status quo is comfortable. I get it. Change is hard. Swimming against the current in a river of "leave it alone's" isn't so easy either.
I like it, to stir the pot. I have always noticed in the stir, Impurities rise to top and the good stuff is always below.

Never seem much stocking over native streams, then again, as a simple man, never looked that close. Or really cared. Always thought Pa. had a good stir, was in touch, did the deed and always looked to the neat year!

Not for you, i see misfortune, discontent, opposed views, misconduct. justification of a few and a red, white and blue sail on your boat!

My boat is land, the first and last solid ground. A man in a boat and a man on land, who will drown first

Just do not get it, do you. Lay off a little. Brook Trout, yes, i did that, then you guys arrived! Hammer and hammer and torment!

Wet hands , be careful, be cool, be the worst you can be, then take a feather and be an Indian. Not me, Pumpkin Head but you, traveled the trails, left a can, a mark, a stench, a hook a track!

I follow you, like a silent Indian, you never saw me there. I do not leave sign! My path is different, Oh yeah, i see your path, path to no where!

You try to tell me what the deal is, you try to tell my, all gone friends, the deal. Really!

We managed more in a short time of 50 years, than you can manage in lifetimes! Babbs Creek, Wilson Creek a example, I see what you do, and wonder, what for!

Too bad for you, you 20, when it comes down to it, you are 1 strong and meet me at 6:30 at the crossroads in Morris for a recogning, I and we left it for you and you took it all away!

Givers and takers, we gave and you take! I see you, out of the corner of a blind eye, dressed to kill, big rod, fancy pouch, sunglasses, big talk, what a lonesome walk it must be, without a friend, in Pa.

Started out genuine for two paragraphs and then the boat sank.
Read it backwards, you will find reward. Last shall be first, first shall be last.

Maxima12 Rage against the maxima12. with a fist full of shells.
Can hardly read your posts forwards :lol:
“Just do not get it, do you. Lay off a little. Brook Trout, yes, i did that, then you guys arrived! Hammer and hammer and torment!

Wet hands , be careful, be cool, be the worst you can be, then take a feather and be an Indian! Not me, Pumpkin Head but you, traveled the trails, left a can, a mark, a stench, a hook a track!

I follow you, like a silent Indian, you never saw me there. I do not leave sign! My path is different, Oh yeah, i see your path, path to no where!”

Glad I logged in today. I would have hated to miss this.
591 have signed.

I don't know what anyone expected, but 591 seems pretty good.

Especially considering that most people interested in this sort of thing probably never heard of the petition.

troutbert wrote:
591 have signed.

I don't know what anyone expected, but 591 seems pretty good.

Especially considering that most people interested in this sort of thing probably never heard of the petition.

I agree. It also generated some nice articles in Outdoor News in support of the petition including 2 interesting editorial comments from Bob Bachman (former MD DNR director and PFBC commissioner) in support of ending stocking over wild brook trout.

One of the most common concerns/comments I've received is by a number of people who are still shocked at the amount of brook trout stocking that is going on, especially over wild native brook trout. I think a lot of people thought that it was being phased out completely. The TMP implies that, but maybe it's just a lag in getting rid of stocks?

From my perspective, we've received far more positive reinforcement for the message and the petition than negative opposition which is great in my opinion. Now whether PFBC does anything or not is another issue entirely.
Regarding your second paragraph above about people being surprised by how many ST are still being stocked over wild ST, I responded by trying to look at the stocking schedule for the species combos had been planned for Area 6 and found that the 2021 stocking schedule web page was already “not available.” I don’t know if that is a temporary glitch or a permanent, intentional change.

I do recall looking at one stream section in Area 6 in spring, 2021 and seeing that it had been changed from a ST stocking to an RT stocking.
Mike, pfbc is experiencing some extwnded network issues, many online resources are down and have been down a few weeks. This includes the trout streams map and the stocking schedule.

Thw think thw stocked brook trout silverfox is alluding too are either "rogue" efforts to include some stocked brook trout on streams otherwise not stocked with brook trout. Also many sportsmans clubs are still purchasing brook trout from private hatcheries and may be stocking these in streams woth brook trout populations. You mentioned this activity in kettle creek on posts in the stream report section.
When he said “phased out completely” and cited the Trout Management Plan that led me to think with substantial certainty that he was referring to the PFBC.
Mike wrote:
When he said “phased out completely” and cited the Trout Management Plan that led me to think with substantial certainty that he was referring to the PFBC.

To be fair, the TMP says;

Between 2020 and 2024, the Division of Fisheries Management (DFM) will work with the
Bureau of Hatcheries to substantially reduce the production of Brook Trout at all PFBC state
fish hatcheries and cooperative nurseries.


• By 2020, cease distribution of Brook Trout fingerlings to the 22 cooperative nurseries located
in and/or stock fish into watersheds where wild Brook Trout reside.
• Between 2020 and 2022, Area Fisheries Managers will eliminate the stocking of Brook Trout
in watersheds where wild Brook Trout reside. Rainbow Trout will primarily be stocked in
place of Brook Trout.
• Between 2020 and 2024, the DFM will work with Bureau of Hatcheries to substantially
reduce the production of Brook Trout at all PFBC state fish hatcheries and cooperative
nurseries. Additional Rainbow Trout, golden Rainbow Trout, and/or Brown Trout will be
produced to replace the Brook Trout. No reduction in total number of trout produced at state
fish hatcheries is planned.
• Through 2024, as needed, update the trout stocking fact sheet and outreach plan to explain
the benefits of reduced Brook Trout production and increased use of Rainbow Trout and/or
Brown Trout in the catchable trout program.

So I think this "phasing out" thing is still in its infancy.

It's difficult to know where the fish are coming from sometimes. The "patriot trout" coming out of Laurel Hill makes it pretty easy to know where they're coming from. Elsewhere not so much. There was some discussion lately about Red Run and who is doing the stocking. That's a Class A so I highly doubt PFBC is doing it. It happens nonetheless. It would be nice if it sopped.
Mike there have been examples of stocked brook trout showing up in pfbc stocked streams where they shouldnt be. One example was noted on a facebook post by Dave Rothrock on Little Pine.
lycoflyfisher wrote:
Mike there have been examples of stocked brook trout showing up in pfbc stocked streams where they shouldnt be. One example was noted on a facebook post by Dave Rothrock on Little Pine.

Here's a good one from this past Saturday. I caught a stocked brook trout in Maryland that came from PA. Apparently, that's been going on for a while. Swam down a stocked trib in PA to a large(ish) warmwater (still thermally tolerant right now) river, into MD and up a coldwater trib.