Personal bests

WB- I hear ya man! I’ve been on a whiskey kick recently. Been able to get into a fair amount of them down here in WV. Landed a 23” wild brown, had its tail bitten off by another larger brown at some point. Still had enough power to almost break a 9’ 5wt. Not going back to that watershed till I get my 8wt in, going after a 30” wild brown this fall.
Landmark wrote;

They say you will outgrow the interest in big ones but that isn't true for everyone.

I never read that book! It's kind of like saying I've outgrown my interest in looking at pretty woman.


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You might need an #8 for that 30" but all mine were landed on 9' #4 or #5.

Obviously your chances of hooking any trout 22" and bigger, on a dry fly, are going to be enhanced if they exist in good numbers where you are fishing and that water has a prolific emergence of mayflies and/or caddis flies. Many western tailwaters have good populations of large trout. Henry's Fork has big browns. There are two rivers in SW Montana that have very large trout.
I wish we had the fisheries like they have out west. I’m moving to Bozeman when im done with production here in WV. The 23” almost broke a 5wt. There’s a few areas that hold monsters down here but you have to know the sections and drainages that hold them. It’s wild chucking a 8-10” musky fly and watching it get completely engulfed by a brown, I didn’t have enough power in the rod to set the hook. But still exhilarating watching it all happen.
Earlier in the day I was euro nymphing, caught a 6-8” wild bow and when I released it, a giant brown came up from the depths and swallowed it whole 4’ in front of me. Nature is wild, but it completely changed my perception of large trout feeding behavior.


On numerous occasions, on both the WB and main stem Delaware, I have had very large trout come out of the depths and investigate the commotion a smaller trout I had on the line was doing. Once on the WB way up in Deposit just below the start of the Special Regs area I was playing a brown of about 16". The water was pretty clear and about 30" deep. Out of nowhere a monster brown, over 25", materialized about two feet behind my hooked fish. It hung around about 10 seconds and turned and went back into deeper water.

Another time in Stockport I was playing a nice rainbow, about 17" or 18", it was in the backing running close to shore below me. My buddy was down where my fish was fighting and all of a sudden there was a boil and my rod doubled over. My buddy yelled up that a huge striper had grabbed the rainbow and was swimming away with it. Well that felt good for about 10 seconds until the 5X broke.

Another time I was playing a really big rainbow in Cemetery. Actually it turned out to be the biggest rainbow I've ever landed on the Delaware. I was in the Hyde and while I was standing up with the net in one hand and the rod in the other a striper of about 30" swam right up behind my big rainbow and I guess it figured it was just too much of a meal and it turned and left. That rainbow measured 22".
Nice hat mushumatt!

I too participate and fish with that group.
WB- I wish I lived closer to the upper Delaware!!

Coldbore- thanks man, it’s an awesome organization. You’ll probably be hearing about a PHWFF feature doc being done this upcoming year, I am one of the producers on the film. We are aiming to enter Sundance in 2021 with it.
My personal best came on the WB just this season. A 20" brown on a size 20 sulpher dry on 7X. This was only about 3 weeks ago.
I was with another forum member and used a measure net to confirm. It was time to walk off the river that evening after landing that one.
wbranch wrote:
On numerous occasions, on both the WB and main stem Delaware, I have had very large trout come out of the depths and investigate the commotion a smaller trout I had on the line was doing. Once on the WB way up in Deposit just below the start of the Special Regs area I was playing a brown of about 16". The water was pretty clear and about 30" deep. Out of nowhere a monster brown, over 25", materialized about two feet behind my hooked fish. It hung around about 10 seconds and turned and went back into deeper water.

Another time in Stockport I was playing a nice rainbow, about 17" or 18", it was in the backing running close to shore below me. My buddy was down where my fish was fighting and all of a sudden there was a boil and my rod doubled over. My buddy yelled up that a huge striper had grabbed the rainbow and was swimming away with it. Well that felt good for about 10 seconds until the 5X broke.

Another time I was playing a really big rainbow in Cemetery. Actually it turned out to be the biggest rainbow I've ever landed on the Delaware. I was in the Hyde and while I was standing up with the net in one hand and the rod in the other a striper of about 30" swam right up behind my big rainbow and I guess it figured it was just too much of a meal and it turned and left. That rainbow measured 22".

Wow! Great stories.
Two of my bigger dry fly trout. I didn't measure them. Probably among my best. One on caddis other on Coffin Fly


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Landmark, the brown in the top picture has to be close to, or at, 24" based on most cork grips being 7" long and reelseats about 3"long. Happy for you.
wbranch wrote:
Landmark, the brown in the top picture has to be close to, or at, 24" based on most cork grips being 7" long and reelseats about 3"long. Happy for you.

Yes. I believe that is about right based on measuring marks on rod. Thank you. I have some more pics of nice ones but I can't locate them.
I also have seen intense cannibal stuff. I hooked a small trout about 10" and a huge one grabbed it. I almost landed it. i don't believe it was even hooked. Just holding onto the small trout and playing tug o war. Finally let go. I suspect a fish that came out of reservoir.

Those are cool stories. I have a couple similar ones, but yours are better and bigger.


Those are two terrific brown trout, esp on dry flies. I think they will have made nice crystal memories for you.
Thanks rrt. I only started carrying a camera last couple years.
Some big guys there- for me , it’s more of accomplishment catch those Invasive species on a dry than a streamer but splitting hairs.

I think the Henry’s Fork is more we’ll known for its invasive rainbows than brown at least near the ranch area. I caught some giant rainbows at the ranch during a western green drake hatch. Also the Bighorn.

Who would think to list your biggest bull trout , caught one 10 years ago and since then I’ve caught about 10 more and this one turned out to be a dandy it was a searun. Lastly there’s a big D brown with the streamer



Nice ones! Bull Trout is cool.
I am still after my first carp on the fly. I was chasing them in Ohio this weekend, but haven't gotten lucky. New to stillwater fly fishing this year, and having a blast with it and the ties it takes.
Carp are super fun. I particularly enjoy cussing at the big ones that snuff you after doing everything right haha. Keeps ya goin back!