Well-known member
Afish posted this in another thread:
“The story of Big Spring Creek is one of legend. In the 1920’s through (the) 50’s the stream was so famous that the English sporting media regularly sent reporters over to do stories on this American spring creek, which was comparable to the best English Chalkstreams. Its native strain of brook trout were like no other that anyone could find.” As written by Jim Chestney in an article entitled The Saga of Big Spring Creek, some of the earliest conservation measures that were adopted in the United States in fact may have originated on this stream back in 1850 when a creel limit was established of 50 trout per day with the river enjoying a glorious background in the annals of American trout fshing. Dr. John Black, in a column written in the forum section for Fly Fisherman magazine, mentions such angling legends as Charlie Foxa nd Ernest Schwiebert fishing at Big Spring. Dr. Black describes that for a stretch of Big Springs before 1955 – regardless of day or season of the year --hundreds of rising trout could be seen. You get the drift: this was one fabulous trout fishing river. And then come the hatcheries."
Got me thinking, what are some of the biggest Pennsylvania fishery blunders of all-time?
This one is my vote.
Anyone got another?
“The story of Big Spring Creek is one of legend. In the 1920’s through (the) 50’s the stream was so famous that the English sporting media regularly sent reporters over to do stories on this American spring creek, which was comparable to the best English Chalkstreams. Its native strain of brook trout were like no other that anyone could find.” As written by Jim Chestney in an article entitled The Saga of Big Spring Creek, some of the earliest conservation measures that were adopted in the United States in fact may have originated on this stream back in 1850 when a creel limit was established of 50 trout per day with the river enjoying a glorious background in the annals of American trout fshing. Dr. John Black, in a column written in the forum section for Fly Fisherman magazine, mentions such angling legends as Charlie Foxa nd Ernest Schwiebert fishing at Big Spring. Dr. Black describes that for a stretch of Big Springs before 1955 – regardless of day or season of the year --hundreds of rising trout could be seen. You get the drift: this was one fabulous trout fishing river. And then come the hatcheries."
Got me thinking, what are some of the biggest Pennsylvania fishery blunders of all-time?
This one is my vote.
Anyone got another?