Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission looks to create premium trout fishing opportunities



Sep 2, 2014
Sorry if this topic has already been discussed, but I didn't see it. The PFBC plans to stock more large fish in 8 different sections of delayed harvest fishing locations.

Each year, the agency stocks 33,000 “trophy trout” — brooks, browns and rainbows — ranging in size from 14 to 20 inches in waters across Pennsylvania. They go in at a density of five to 10 fish per stream mile.
Starting next spring, the commission plans to stock 3,300 of those fish — 10 percent of the total — in just eight stream sections, each about one to two miles long, at a density of about 250 trout per mile.

Uber Utilization!!!!!!!!!!!
PocketWater wrote:
Sorry if this topic has already been discussed, but I didn't see it.

Yes, it's been discussed.

This proposal is an outgrowth of the situation with the DHALo on Pine Creek. This section is privately stocked and has become a significant economic draw. The PFBC has taken note of this success and is considering ways to possibly replicate it.
Okay, sorry Fishidiot. Wasn't sure.
I won't be fishing any of these sections, but I think it's a good idea to stir up interest among kids and those new to the sport.

The fishermen who decide to fish these areas will either continue to fish these areas, or "graduate" onto "real" fishing. Either way, I think it's a good program that will help draw some new people to the sport, and at the same time not negatively impact current fly fishermen.
Don't they already do this in the Lake Erie tribs? :-D
Fishidiot wrote:

This proposal is an outgrowth of the situation with the DHALo on Pine Creek. This section is privately stocked and has become a significant economic draw. The PFBC has taken note of this success and is considering ways to possibly replicate it.

The reg area that the PFBC are trying to replicate is now C&RAT instead of DHALO.
salmonoid wrote:
Don't they already do this in the Lake Erie tribs? :-D

That's actually a very good point. I'm from WNY and the first couple of years I used a fly rod, it was strictly for Salmon and Steelhead.
yes and the season will start soon. It all depends on rain from now till the big freeze up. I seen a few early AM after a big rain. ;) been a cool and rainy summer so far.
shortrod2 wrote:
Fishidiot wrote:

This proposal is an outgrowth of the situation with the DHALo on Pine Creek. This section is privately stocked and has become a significant economic draw. The PFBC has taken note of this success and is considering ways to possibly replicate it.

The reg area that the PFBC are trying to replicate is now C&RAT instead of DHALO.

Yes, correct - the DHALO has been changed.

Just to clarify for the reader: the PFBC is not seeking to replicate the regulation... they're seeking to replicate the popularity of that section that is an outgrowth of the stocking of large, quality fish by the club.

Hopefully they advertise the heck out of it and keep it off good quality waters where I fish. I would have loved to know my favorite stocked water was teeming with slam-hogs years ago. Now, when I fish stocked water for trout, I tend towards fishing light and catching 9-11 inch fish.
Unless I misread, it sounds like they want to implement this lunker stocking on stream sections that are already DHALO. If this is the case, I hope that they do not tinker with the regs aside from stocking a bunch of slob stockers.

Maybe call iit Delayed Harvest Trophy Stocked Trout or something along those lines and keep all current DHALO regs in place on those sections.

My only fear is they will end up screwing with the DHALO on the streams chosen for this program. Stocking pigs under current DHALO regulations is going to get the bait dunkers in a twist.
Cool. I have no fears, IMO the majority of allegations of poaching and bait fishing in special reg areas is largely overblown.
What could it hurt, as long as they do NOT implement such programs on wild trout waters? Isn't Pine Creek already an artificial trout stream that must rely on stocked trout to provide decent trout fishing during Pine's big hatches? I saw pics of the club's large brown trout being stocked, and they did provide some excitement. Is it not kind of nice for guys to be able to fish for trout like that with dry flies during the big hatches that exist on Pine Creek?

Might it not be nice for similar trout fishing to be produced on other streams where wild trout cannot sustain a fishable population?

I think the PFBC deserves credit for trying to implement positive programs for its clientele, while also trying to protect and enhance wild trout resources where they exist. It is a real balancing act. I think, for the most part, the PFBC and its BOD are trying hard to do the right things for both fish and fishermen. Maybe we ought to support their efforts to replicate the Pine Creek project.
I'd like to see a list of candidate locations and a summary of proposed regulations for those areas before I decide whether or not I like the idea.
It sounds like they are reallocating their brood stock turnover to generate interest in the trout program without raising costs. I don't see how the location of the intensified stocking would sway my like or dislike of the idea, the people paying attention to changes like this are fairly committed to the sport or younger and into the internet and happen to see the information. It shouldn't draw crowds after the initial start up period and the guys who return are the same ones who fish the water irregardless of the new program, it sounds like it will enhance some home waters for a group of us. What's not to like?
Neshannock creek is one stream. All property owners received a letter from the biologist Tim Wilson.
Just curious, what specific DH Areas by region do you think would be ideal for such a program (and why)?
Mike Not sure if I understand exactly what you are asking but here's my two cents. I think this is a great idea. This is exactly the kind of thing PAFBC should be doing...
The Quttapahilla (sp?) would be a good candidate....No or VERY few wild fish and also cold water for possible holdover and nice habitat especially with the recent stream work. Also MILES of open water below the regs area where some of these big fish might show up if they leave regs area..
Any special regs stream that has holdover potential would be good if it does not have any wild fish.

And by the way... fishing for stocked fish is "real fishing".... Going to guess you "real fishermen" probably catch stocked holdovers and think they are wild half the time.
Fox I was going to suggest the quittie for the very reasons you stated.