"Penns Creek Special" fly pattern?

Penns. So inkable right now.

In all seriousness, how can you tell it’s Penns? I mean, I can tell the Broadwaters, and Claybank, and Rainbow Riffle, etc from pictures and know where they are on a map, but on a dude’s arm, I wouldn’t be able to tell it from the Letort.

Or does he have the words tattooed?
It was pretty funny - one day I was chatting with him and mentioned that I was headed out to Penns and he asked exactly where. I started to explain and then he asked if it'd be easier if I just pointed it out on the map of Penns tatooed on his arm. It's a pretty cool tat, and useful 😉
It was pretty funny - one day I was chatting with him and mentioned that I was headed out to Penns and he asked exactly where. I started to explain and then he asked if it'd be easier if I just pointed it out on the map of Penns tatooed on his arm. It's a pretty cool tat, and useful 😉
wait until he finds out it isn't spelled Poe Patty.