Peeking caddis tutorial and video

Beadhead - In the interest of saving your reputation, I'll take a shot at this.

Hook: Daiichi 1720 sz 8
Bead: tungsten 3/16
Thread: Brown 6/0
Rib: Brown medium Ultrawire
Tail: moose body hair
Overbody: mottled turkey tail
Shellback: grey/brown Thinskin, or possibly clear baggie plastic.
Legs: brown mottled partridge
Dubbing: Haretron Golden Stone

While the materials may not be anything new, there's some fundamentally sound tying techniques used on that fly. Notice the shellback over the turkey tail - this adds durability and shine. At first, I thought he might have used a UV product to coat the turkey, but you can see a piece of the shellback at the rear of the abdomen. Nice.

The partridge legs appear to be palmered on the thorax, and dubbed over top. Good technique, and it prevents the partridge feather from being damaged by fish teeth. Plus, it looks better, IMO.

Any way you look at it, it's obvious that it ain't Johnny U's first dance. ;-)

Excellent fly!
gaeronf wrote:

I'm just going to stop the argument here. You think what you want, I'll think what I want.

Let us know how that works for ya.
3xl hook.
pale yellow chenille or yarn.
moose mane.
softex or flexament or some sort of material i can't be bothered to deal with but softer than epoxy.
partridge. tip and stem clipped off, laid over top then the turkey is pulled over ala copper john.
i'd have thought brown thread for the ribbing. wire makes more sense. it comes in brown? what will they think of next!
Chenille? Ewwwww!

The partridge feather may not be palmered, but it looks like he dubbed over top to divide the legs, and make it more durable. Maybe not, though.

Look at the piece of plastic sticking out the rear of the fly - definitely shell back of some sort.

Why do they sometimes call pork shoulder Boston Butt, when it's from the front part of a pig? :lol:
I don't know why you guys are getting mad and all sarcastic towards me. I just said that it was secretive. And that there was no blatant recipe.
Gaeron - Don't let it bother you. Jdaddy was probably referring to gfen's relentless nature, and gfen is, well - gfen. He's harmless, unless you have candy.

Don't bring candy to the tying jam, for the same reason you don't feed wild bears.
Thanks Heritage,you have saved my reputation (copy,copy,copy )lol
gaeronf wrote:
I don't know why you guys are getting mad and all sarcastic towards me. I just said that it was secretive. And that there was no blatant recipe.

mad requires work. google does not. its all there for you.

ha: the window maker was not on board with the butcher, the baker, nor the candlestick maker. you're right. it is a shellback et al.
Gfen- Your power to use google is remarkable. Your powers of compression, not so much. Everything you came up with is connected to me. The picture is mine as well as the post in hatches magazine. I agree that nothing is new in fly tying. There is only techniques which all patterns copy. A copper johns not much different then any other nymph other than the materials, which are nothing new either.

Heritage- Nice guessing but your wrong on several components. Unfortunately the pic that you all have found does not do the fly justice.

To all- The golden oldie is my fly. I have done extensive research to make that statement. While the tying techniques are not all unique. I assure you the materials are unique to the pattern. I have been fine tuning the pattern for 2 years to come to the current mastered recipe. Which if you have been following me, you know is deadly. Each material in the fly is as equally important to the next. There is two major key ingredients that I know for fact no fly tyers have used for any documented pattern. Thus why the Golden Oldie is my pattern.

Im flattered that you all have so much interest in the fly. Im sorry that the pattern is lock and key.

anyways. its a lovely video.
Gods gift to fly tieing and his super special fly.

Whoopie you lashed feathers and fur to hook and fooled a few trout well done Sir. Some of us arent impressed.

As for peeking caddis non sense white stuff and hares ear, again man whoopie.

Gods gift to fly tieing and his super special fly.

Whoopie you lashed feathers and fur to hook and fooled a few trout well done Sir. Some of us arent impressed.

As for peeking caddis non sense white stuff and hares ear, again man whoopie.

Zip- Thank you for your kind words

Gfen- Thank you for your kind words

Row- My apologies for not impressing you. Ill try harder.....
He's a tough nut to crack. Unless you've got red hair. Or are Lady Gaga.
Are you lady gaga?
No gfen, I like to eat meat not wear it.
chimmy think's she's super cute.
With the green butt it'd represent egg laying caddis as well. Nice tie
Thank you bam. Its a rather effective pattern on pa freestone streams. It has caught me some of my largest wild browns. I feel it deserves a place in every nymph fisherman's box.
Wow, Sounds like someone is envious of the tying style of John Utah. Why can't people just give props or keep their mouth shut?

This dude, young lad , J Utah looks like he was only trying to help others on this site.

BTW. Guess that's why many others like myself never post up quality info because all one gets is people criticizing then complementing ones post/thread.
