Peeking caddis tutorial and video

Wow..What happen to this cats blog?
Noticed his video also on NEFF today and it's a good one..



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Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah wrote:
Wow..What happen to this cats blog?

He learned to spell at Becker Elementary.

LOL. I c wut he did there. I c wut u did there.
Jdaddy. I was so dazed and confused and thought the error msg was that his blog was free to register. I didn't take the time to see he copied or typed his link wrong. Guessing it's from him breathing in all that burnt poly cord that caused it.
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah wrote:
Who does that? LOL

Evidently, not the OP.
Lol sorry about the bum link guys, I put that message up in a hurry and didnt bother testing it. Sorry. Burnt antron yarn does smell....

Thanks Heritage for posting the video.
Thanks Jdaddy for the correct link....
Johnny U. Glad it was just a simple typo and that's all.

By The Way...Your tying video's are great!

Cheers!!! Mr.Zip
beadhead2 wrote:
Are you going to do a video of the golden oldie ?

LOL...Man oh man. You can ask him...I can't wait to see Johnnys response :D
What's up with the Golden Oldie? Is it an inside joke? I don't get it..
Garonf can you please explain?
Yea, it's an inside joke, kind of. The golden oldie is under more lock and key then area 51. It's super secretive...
Wow, Guess I need to Google what that pattern is. I'm sure the inventor or some company has the material list posted someplace?

Pretty dang sure that Mr. Utah invented it himself. Trust me, the google button is worn down on my screen lol!
gaeronf wrote:
Yea, it's an inside joke, kind of. The golden oldie is under more lock and key then area 51. It's super secretive...

so secretive it was the first response on google, although admittedly, it has his name attached to it.

i believe the name i was given for this was "two tone hare's ear." except that looks like chenille, and there's moose mane for tails,

oh, four options down it came again with pattern attached.

there ain't nothing new in fly tying except the name someone sticks on it.
gfen wrote:
gaeronf wrote:
Yea, it's an inside joke, kind of. The golden oldie is under more lock and key then area 51. It's super secretive...

so secretive it was the first response on google, although admittedly, it has his name attached to it.

i believe the name i was given for this was "two tone hare's ear." except that looks like chenille, and there's moose mane for tails,

oh, four options down it came again with pattern attached.

there ain't nothing new in fly tying except the name someone sticks on it.

I'm just going to stop the argument here. You think what you want, I'll think what I want.

gaeronf wrote:
Well, gfen, where on any of those sights is a recipe. Yes you have a picture, but do you have the ingredients, not just hypothetical ones?

there appears to be quite a bit of text associated with the second link. the key is to read it. included amongst this text is all of the essential things one might need to know. beyond that its a matter of logically assembling the things listed in front of you and feeling good about yourself for following common sense.

it ain't rocket science. jock scotts require some assembly instructions, six material flies do not.
Maybe JU can pm me with the material list for the G.O.,so I don't loose my reputation lol