Patagonia Foot trackers for $179.00



Active member
Jan 16, 2012
I was looking online of my favorite fly shop and noticed they had a sale on Patagonia foot tracktors for $ 179.00. They were not the Danner, but I'm not spending over $500 bucks for apair of boots.They had only one pair left in my size, I orderd them, great price and I'm supporting my fly shop. They do have some other size's in stock. :-D
Surprised you still found some left.
I bought mine on closeout - same price - over a year ago now.

Really like mine. The traction and comfort are great.
Only con - they are kinda heavy
Great find. I got mine on sale as well this year right after Xmas. I'm pretty happy with the traction bar and the weight isn't as bad as I'd thought it would be.
I should get them beginning of next week. I figured they would be good.
Patagonia has all their stuff 30% off so you won't be paying over 500.00 for the boots.
I recieved mine last Monday. they fit great. Now can't wait to use them.