Passing Gas in your Waders

My wife makes me wash my own clothes after the first day of camp weekend in Potter County. 2 Days of beer guzzling and eating nothing but pure high octane highly combustable food and then my clothes marinating in my own stink, is a turn off. I learned that I had to change my clothes before we go to the bar. I scared the women away from the single guys. LOL
PennKev wrote:

O.... the humanity!!!
ate a quart of beans one camping trip on the delaware, was wading deep with a belt that was tight. started to gas and FLOOP turned up side down. floated like that for a few minutes trying to right myself. buddys say I looked like a dying seal in my neoprenes. finally caught a rock OUCH ! and righted my self. when i released the belt the smell was horrific. Those waders never did smell decent again.
I just want to chime in here to let you know that I have not read this thread. :)

haha i never drink bush beer the night before fishing ha bush makes me clear out the whole river when ppl are around HAHA