parachute post

wsender wrote:
So poly is better than antron? Is that what you're saying? Link me up brutha.

Oddly enough, I don't know which craftstore yarns are poly yarns, but somehow I don't feel like I should be buying craftstore products for this. Weird, eh?

So, there you go. Pretty much any vendor will have this, I selected the one who appears to be a sponser from the sidebar over there ==>
One disadvantage of Antron compared to poly yarn is that the hackle slides around more on Antron where I have not had the problem with poly. I applied cement on the base of my Antron posts to help solve the problem. Maybe that is why I have not had any noticeable problem with the wicking GFEN mentioned. I don't fish parachutes much. Poly floats, I'm not sure if Antron floats. My preference these days is poly.
For me, antron yarn seems to absorb water vs. plain old poly yarn. There are many so called antron yarns and blends so YMMV.
I do find it odd that flynoob doesn't like para post, but likes poly yarn. After all, it is the same material.

Is it the slightly more slipperiness of the para post?
skiltinian..........i like the foam idea i'm gonna have to give that a try. THANKS.
Hi-Vis is what I use. Hi-Vis works very well for me, it's nice and stiff and keeps its shape well, which I like for a parachute post. Good for larger spinner wings too, but perhaps a bit too stiff for the tricos and such.
I use Z-lon or antron.