PaFlyFish Photography Awards 2009

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The power of photography is a wonderful way we capture and share our perspective for fly-fishing. Those images are moments in our life we see forever. This year has been an especially fun and exciting year for sharing those memories.

We’re proud to recognize the winners of the first Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Photography contest. We announced the contest in July. Many wonderful pictures were entered over the summer and into the fall.


Our first place award goes to Tom Frank for his photograph "Early Morning Rise in Paradise.” Tom lives in Bellefonte and spends a lot of time in his neighboring stream of Spring Creek. The photograph was taken as he found himself on one foggy summer morning in the Paradise Meadow. Tom explained that as the fog began to clear and sun started to peak the trout were rising every so often. The one soft riseform captures the essence while keeping the balance of the reflections in the water. Tom’s picture can be found here.
Very well deserved. There were many good photo's in the contest. Glad we had this. It really opens up the photography skills of some of the individuals on this site. Can't wait for the calendar!
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Very well deserved. There were many good photo's in the contest. Glad we had this. It really opens up the photography skills of some of the individuals on this site. Can't wait for the calendar!
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Those three deserve to be winners....great photos from a lot of perspectives...congrats guys...
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Those three deserve to be winners....great photos from a lot of perspectives...congrats guys...
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Those three deserve to be winners....great photos from a lot of perspectives...congrats guys...
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A lot of beautiful pics in the contest, hard to get it down to a few. Can't wait for the calendar!

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A lot of beautiful pics in the contest, hard to get it down to a few. Can't wait for the calendar!

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A lot of beautiful pics in the contest, hard to get it down to a few. Can't wait for the calendar!

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Nice photos, I like pictures of the Letort, with the willows and vegetation, having a person in the frame fishing makes it even better. It's good to have a partner along for those shots. All really nice pics. :lol:
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Nice photos, I like pictures of the Letort, with the willows and vegetation, having a person in the frame fishing makes it even better. It's good to have a partner along for those shots. All really nice pics. :lol:
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Nice photos, I like pictures of the Letort, with the willows and vegetation, having a person in the frame fishing makes it even better. It's good to have a partner along for those shots. All really nice pics. :lol:
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Life never stops....But to when a picture catches that perfect moment that makes us all pause....It is a wonderful thing.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for sharing what you found in you view finder that makes us all wish we were there.
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Life never stops....But to when a picture catches that perfect moment that makes us all pause....It is a wonderful thing.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for sharing what you found in you view finder that makes us all wish we were there.
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Life never stops....But to when a picture catches that perfect moment that makes us all pause....It is a wonderful thing.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for sharing what you found in you view finder that makes us all wish we were there.
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Sent the link to the wife and kids for Christmas gift ideas for me.
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Note, when viewing the hat you can change from that dork to a hot chick. Makes the hat look a lot better. Also, you can change to different types of hats, not just the ragged, pre-worn "I am a cool trout bum" look.
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Try this too:
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Great stuff. Love the brookie. Got a hat and a thermal mug. Hope it helps!
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Thanks. Got my hat for the weekend. Was not sure at first, but really digging it with new logo. The roughed up hat makes me feel like I fishing more often when i put it on.
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