PAFF Annual Spring Jamboree 2010



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006

The date and location for the 2010 PAFF Jamboree has been set for May 21-23 at Hemlock Acres Campground in Coburn, PA. This has been the site of the Jamboree for all but three of the Spring Jamborees. With the popularity of the Jam having grown proportional to the growth of the Message Board community, it has become untenable to attempt to put the date and location to a vote.

Establishing the date early helps to make sure sufficient options for accommodations of campers are available. We compared locations in North Central PA and found the Coburn option better. We know that some members would like to have the Jam farther north. If anyone wishes to organize a gathering in the north central region, we encourage you to do so as it may allow some members to attend who are unavailable for the May 21-23 dates.

People who intend to camp in a tent, vehicle or camper may not need to make reservations immediately, though it would not hurt to do so. However, those interested in trying to get cabin space should act immediately. Hemlock management is NOT holding cabins for our group and while there are presently several available for the weekend and the weekdays before and after, they could get booked at any time. So, if you are interested, call Hemlock right away.

Keep in mind: your arrangements are between you and the campground. If you book a reservation, you will probably need to make a deposit of part of the cost. I have secured our use of the pavilion from 4:00 PM on Friday the 21st, through 12:00 noon on Sunday the 23rd. We will need to raise money to pay for rental of the pavilion, and this can be discussed as the event gets closer and we have a better idea who plans to attend.

Some of the attendees may stay a few days prior or a few days after the weekend Jamboree. There are also several cabins open during the days surrounding the weekend as well.
thanks jack! I'm gonna try like heck to make it, heard it's a blast
It's a great time, you have to try and make it!

I'll be taking care of the coffee and snacks in the morning again with the help of my roommate...Maurice!

Dan, Don't forget your welcome to stay at the camper this year!

Maybe after last year, I better get an even bigger coffee pot!

I'm definitely going to make an effort to be there this time around.
I hope that everyone who can make it decides to do so.

As bad as the conditions and fishing has been, I have never had a bad time at the jamboree.

Afishinado is going to work on some activities for us besides drinking and fishing.

If you have ideas for the jamboree, and are willing to make them happen, you should feel free to post your ideas on any of the threads relating to the Jam.
What if you have a camp on Penn's near Coburn? Any ideas as to meeting up in the morning, evening, etc.? I will be there those days anyway and would like to get together with yinz guys. Any info would be great.

Beginning sometime around 700 AM or earlier, there will be a coffee gathering, usually at PaulGs. Each evening after dark, you can expect a gathering, most likely at the pavillion that often lasts until the wee hours.

There are accomodations beyond the campground, but close enough that you can attend all the Jam activites and still camp or lodge elsewhere. Being at the CG for lodging needs facilitates meeting others and allows one to have a few beers more than if you had to drive back to another location. If you have a designated driver or do not drink, there is no reason not to end your day by coming to the CG. The campground owner probably has a right to know you are visiting, particularly in the evening.
Thanks for the info Jack.
"Afishinado is going to work on some activities for us besides drinking and fishing."

there are other things besides drinking and fishing??!!
bikerfish wrote:
there are other things besides drinking and fishing??!!

of course! just not anything i'd want to do with a group of mostly men ;-) ;-)
trowpa wrote:

"Afishinado is going to work on some activities for us besides drinking and fishing."

bikerfish wrote:
there are other things besides drinking and fishing??!!

of course! just not anything i'd want to do with a group of mostly men ;-) ;-)

Get you mind out of the gutter guys! :lol: I was thinking more about stuff like fly casting, fly fishing techiques, local stream reports, and fly tying . Although we may have LIVE ENTERTAINMENT...but that's only if Shakey attends and is gracious enough to play for us again with his beer bottle slide, and it's also dependent on whether he can fit his guitar on his motorcycle!

I'm really looking forward to next year's jam! :pint:
We have many talented musical artists in our group, but all a little too shy compared to Shakey. I hope to see even more guitars, harmonicas, flutes, and Oboes next year.

I am working on a seminar for Saturday and Sunday mornings instructing Jam participants on how to drink all night, then sleep less than 5 hours and after a couple cups of coffee, wander around on slick rocks for the next 14 hours, all the while trying to cast a fly rod and keep from falling into the water.
Shakey's beer bottle slide, now that was priceless!

Afish, you might be on to something there...there's definitely a lot of talent and experience to be shared with the group. However, I'd be one of the first to listen to Jack's seminar! :)
Is Evan coming ?
Bruno wrote:
Is Evan coming ?

If he's not coming with you guys he will be catching a ride with me. How do the cabins work? Does Rudy pair people up, or do you guys just get a group together?

Those of us who have rented in the past have formed groups and reserved the cabin. Rudy is only going to rent a whole cabin, not individual beds.
Hey, I just realized, it's the week after my kid's birthday this year, so I might even be able to stay for Saturday night. Sweet.

It will be good to see you again, Matt, we may even get lucky next year and have even better water conditions. As I recall, the year before was characterized by high water everywhere.

I will be putting a page up soon with information to help people who have not attended in the past.

If you're new to this, you may enjoy a few photos from last year's jam, by far the largest so far.



Here are all the photos from prior years which are collected on this site.

Here is next year's information page.
Here's a sample video of Shakey's great performance with some of the Jam crowd taken by Akid. Note the broken bottle neck slide on shakey's finger.

I like that you can hear portions of conversations that include keywords such as "catskill flies"... gives a true feeling of the discussions going while listening to the music.
A group of us had a nice outing on Young Woman's Creek from the Jam last year. This is definitely a North Central Creek. My point is that streams like Kettle and Pine and other NC streams are not out of reach from a jam in Coburn, they are just a pleasant 60 to 90 minute drive away...