PAFBC Survey



May 28, 2010
Anybody else complete the survey that was in your email today?
Focused mostly on opening day of trout, with options they are considering for 2022.

I really did like going back to one statewide opener the last two years. Hope they keep that aspect.
I got the email and completed the survey. I prefer a single, early opening day. I liked the way it worked this year.
I got an email survey from New York a few days ago but not a PA one.
Me too.
It was 17 deg at Cross Fork on opening morning, 2021. Not sure that anglers in the most northern parts of Pa will like a 2 week earlier opener on a regular basis.
Mike wrote:
It was 17 deg at Cross Fork on opening morning, 2021. Not sure that anglers in the most northern parts of Pa will like a 2 week earlier opener on a regular basis.

Yes and most of the rest of the first 2 weeks was beautiful weather and many were able to take advantage of the warm sunny conditions and enjoy a good day on the water. The last weekend in April was below freezing for several nights in much of north central pa... the weather can't be controlled. I would rather have the extra 2 weeks to fish wherever without worrying about if a stream is closed or not due to the stocking closure in March.

I did not receive a survey and none of my close contacts did either. I am assuming it was a random survey as opposed to contacting all anglers who had an email listed.
Not sure Cross Fork should be stocked to begin with
Ny opening day has been April 1st forever.
Pa anglers can man up for a 19 degree morning, or stay home. Don't cater to the 1 percent. Does that sound familiar?
Susquehanna wrote:
Not sure Cross Fork should be stocked to begin with
It's not really a stock or don't stock thread, but I didn't receive the opening day survey either.
I found the survey email in my spam, but am unable to complete the survey. It says I have either already completed it or my session is expired.

If we have to persist with a meaningless closure to manufacture an "opening day" then I am in favor of a single early opening day.
Mike wrote:
It was 17 deg at Cross Fork on opening morning, 2021. Not sure that anglers in the most northern parts of Pa will like a 2 week earlier opener on a regular basis.

As a counter point, early season hatches were already going on one of my favorite NEPA stream by the time of the early opening in 2020 and 2021.
I didnt receive a survey either.
im happy with the way its been the last 2 years. Havent we only had a split season for a few years anyway? I remember when I was younger that there was always just one opening day. Some years there was snow and cold, some years it was perfect, some years the water was too high, some years it was unusually hot.
I was kinda pleased with the weather this year, I felt it might have left a few fish alone for awhile longer and maybe get smarter since not as many people might have been out. Those who wanna fish will fish in any weather, cold temps. keep the "weekend warriors" on the couch.
Mike wrote:
It was 17 deg at Cross Fork on opening morning, 2021. Not sure that anglers in the most northern parts of Pa will like a 2 week earlier opener on a regular basis.

But a week earlier in March for the kids mentored youth day the weather was perfect and the fishing was amazing for the kids on Kettle Creek. You have no idea what the weather might be like.
steliejim wrote:
Ny opening day has been April 1st forever.
Pa anglers can man up for a 19 degree morning, or stay home. Don't cater to the 1 percent. Does that sound familiar?

I still can hit a few high notes on occasion from many days of standing in the Beaverkill on the NY Opener...

Even though I am a native Pennsylvanian, after living in NY I never quite understood the consonantly fluctuating Opening Day thing, not to mention the Regional nonsense complicating things even further.

I understand the time required to stock, no help, the regional differences in temperatures and how that effects participation and fish mortality, but how does NY pull it off?

It's typical PFBC rule making, in the name of simplification, confuse things to a point where you need to change things back to the way they were....
I have not received a survey so I don’t know what questions are being asked so I am reacting to what was said here and not by the agency.. If there was a way to indicate that they should not throw all of their eggs into a single opening day basket, that’s what I would recommend from a financial standpoint. That’s why one diversifies and hedges bets in financial matters; it’s a proven strategy to minimize losses. Even if opening days would only be a week apart, that particular purpose would be served.

Pre-Covid, opening day weather was a substantial driver of annual license sales and the problematic “churning” in license sales (anglers buying one year and not the next) is something that the PFBC was attempting to reduce for years. It remains to be seen if license sales stay high once the Covid effect of the last two seasons wears off. Perhaps it won’t, but any possible changes associated with even a mild assumption that license sales will remain high would be an unnecessary gamble. Plus, sales will undoubtedly decline the next time there is a license fee increase. It happens every time.

As for not worrying about the 1%, the number is higher than that. Businesses can’t afford to write off customers. A customer service consultant indicated that it takes at least twice as much money to get a new customer as that required to keep an existing customer.

Should have mentioned this survey was limited to the first 4000 responders.

It was really nice the last 2 years on opening day not having to deal with the influx of anglers from the other regions. Also, the PAFBC hit a home run on having the lakes open to catch and release during the preseason. That was not part of the survey, however.

Maybe we can get a swami or Carnac to predict the weather for late March, early April. That way we'll know if we should have one or two openers.

I don't fish stockies after mid-April, so at least by me one mentored day, one opener works. No matter what the weather is. It's opening day! Which is really about my 20th day on the water by then.
I received the survey and responded. While unpopular with many license buyers, I choose the option of no opening day as my preference. Stock as normal, make all TSW catch and release till May 1, then start "harvest season".

I don't think it's going to happen as the PFBC is too dependent on the one day a year license buyers. But as mentioned previously, I thought the catch and release experiment went very well on our local lake.
I also did a survey--55 year study! Conclusion-----Thank you Pa. Fish Commission. If i could only repay you for all that i got!

Figured it to be impossible. Thank you, hope you find me in tune with a million more. Thank everyone, a shake, a pat of hands, a wink, a bravo, a snicker, and of course a feather.

The spell is Paradise. I lived it, enjoyed it. When i am eating chicken with the Lord, I will mention you, many times!

bearfisherman wrote:
I received the survey and responded. While unpopular with many license buyers, I choose the option of no opening day as my preference. Stock as normal, make all TSW catch and release till May 1, then start "harvest season".

I don't think it's going to happen as the PFBC is too dependent on the one day a year license buyers. But as mentioned previously, I thought the catch and release experiment went very well on our local lake.

Dear bearfisherman,

There is at least one other person that agreed with you! It would be interesting to see if we were the only two? Maybe we hit double digits?


Tim Murphy :)
It's not really a stock or don't stock thread, but I didn't receive the opening day survey either.

Thanks! I couldn't tell!
My readin ain't so good.

I didn't get the survey but make it 3 for no opening day