PA DEP Drought Watch

Splurged on a short notice day off to fish today too. Gotta take advantage of these conditions after three months of searching for water. Chose a stream in NE PA. Ended up being darn near blown out! I caught fish, but it was honestly too high to fish effectively. Enough with the rain already! (Kidding 😛, keep it coming.)View attachment 1641227137View attachment 1641227138View attachment 1641227139
Seems like you have the right idea. I am taking off work Friday to fish Little J and Kish on the way home! I am hoping the J doesn't drop <150 cfs by Friday AM.
Chester- Montgomery Counties received almost 4 inches of rain in 24 hours yesterday. During the rain event, very warm water ran into Valley raising the water temps from 65 degrees to 72 degrees rapidly. They are back down into the mid 60s as of now. I'm not sure how much water table recharge happened. I would actually prefer to see 3-4 days of moderate rain so that it soaks into the ground, but I will take whatever the Great Spirit gives us for now. For the next 10 days or so, looks like the highs will be in the low to mid 80s and dropping down at night to the high 50s-low 6os. That should help and perhaps more rain on the way mid week coming up. :)
It was a pretty good soaker. What really doesn't help much is the summertime 1 inch of rain in 10 minutes deal, most of it just runs off, and then the sun comes back out and burns off what's left. But an all day steady rain hits home, gets into the soil some. Yeah, it's better when vegetation dies back. And I'm not claiming suddenly all the streams will be bank full and stay that way.

But it's September, we're not hitting mid and high 90's anymore, the nights are longer and cooler, and we just got a good multi day soaker with multiple inches of steady rain. The summer season where we worry about mass trout deaths from water temperatures is over. Now it's about getting the stream conditions you want to fish in.
Yeah, I’m still using the iweather site. It’s radar based estimates, so not actual on the ground readings, but it gets you a good ballpark idea of how much rain fell, and just as important, where.

It’s reasonably accurate. I was up at our camp a few years ago in June and headed to the top of the mountain to get a cell signal to check it out, as I knew there were thunderstorms around the night before, but we didn’t get directly hit in the Kettle watershed. Upper Jerry Run near Sinnemahoning showed that it got about 2 inches of very localized rain. Wykoff Run, one watershed to the west showed as getting nothing, typical localized Summer thunderstorms. Drove over Wykoff on the way in to Upper Jerry and Wykoff was low and clear, but Upper Jerry was nicely up and off color. Had a good day fishing it. That’s the day that sold me on that technique of using radar estimates.
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I was up in Dauphin, PA for this past weekend, and as Monday morning, they got over 2 ½”of rain in their range gage off of Red Hill Road. Also I saw a coyote walk thru the side yard on Sunday late afternoon and a bear, but I normally see bears, turkey and deer up there when I visit.
I was up in Dauphin, PA for this past weekend, and as Monday morning, they got over 2 ½”of rain in their range gage off of Red Hill Road. Also I saw a coyote walk thru the side yard on Sunday late afternoon and a bear, but I normally see bears, turkey and deer up there when I visit.
Is that the Red Hill Road off 39 north of Hershey?
Is that the Red Hill Road off 39 north of Hershey?
No it is off 22/322 north of Dauphin, PA between the Rt 225 and Rt 325 exits. I cuts off and comes back on Gap View Rd. This is up just before crossing the Clarks Ferry Bridge.