Out of work early



Active member
Jan 13, 2012
Have I mentioned how much I like to fish in the winter?
"Rang the Belle" again? :)
Yea, guess I did. I like the sound it makes. :lol:
That's a good way to make the most of an early end to a work day.
You gave away your fishing spot with that photo.

Did you catch any of the "yaller" trout?
Dwight, I have all the confidence in the world that there is nothing secret about that stretch. To be frank this is only the second time I've fished it. I have found it to be quite entertaining. No yellow ones I try to ignore those...
Brookie, I couldn't agree more.
Nice job Jack - a great way to spend a winter day.

Yep, there's often a few big uns in there. :cool:
Thanks fish, I did enjoy myself. Caught some descent Browns along the way as well. It was all in all a pleasant afternoon...
Yeah, fun catching those fish. Hope you didn't mind me driving past you like 8 times and holding the horn down yelling out the window at you.
Was that you Nick? I do recall a long horn blow and a yell but didn't really pay too much attention. I was doing my best to block out the road noise....
Looks like some one had a good day!
It was a great afternoon Dave! Got into some Browns as well. I was looking at going out this weekend with some friends but the forecast is less than shall we say tolerable...
It is a really fat fish too. Looks like he eats well.

lv2nymph wrote:
It was a great afternoon Dave! Got into some Browns as well. I was looking at going out this weekend with some friends but the forecast is less than shall we say tolerable...[/quote

Yeah, zero here this morning and dang cold without the wind kicking up yet. Decided that I would rather not be cleaning ice off guides every other cast today.
I was the guy in the black truck giving you the death stare at the light lol.
Thanks Mike,I was wondering if that 5x was gonna hold. It wouldn't come out of the fast current and it made so many runs up and down but the 11' 3wt protected the tippet well.
Idrather, yea I clearly remember you. What was up with that? I remember thinking what's that's dudes problem. Then I remembered what time it was and figured that you'd rather be down here than up there. :)
I thought I'd show everyone this, it's amazing the difference angle of the camera makes when taking pictures when I took both of these pictures I never moved a step. The only thing different was the direction the camera was facing.
Jack I sorta knew it was you so I was just messing around with the death stare lol. Was being dumb. But I guess it worked haha
John, that definately stuck in my head! I remember thinking man that dude looks pissed!
Pissed that I wasn't in pally alley!!!!!! ;)