Look, the petty personal disparagements are what gets tiresome Fox.
Let me clarify a few things:
Fishing in a tiny stream does not require wading in it. In fact, quite the contrary, when fishing a brook trout stream I specifically tend to avoid wading in it when at all possible. I suspect many small stream fishers do the same.
The dams are not small, and I've been abundantly clear that the ones on Trout Run are easily the size of this one in the photos of Otter. There are rocks in the dams that are large enough to require two people to pick them. They cannot be "kicked over."
I also strongly disagree about the potential for disruption to the stream/fish as well. As I pointed out, at least one good hole that used to harbor a number of brook trout is now barren as the water is too slow and the cover of large rocks from the bottom of the pool is gone.
Finally, mentioning a public stream that has mounds of information about it out there does not equal "promoting it." You accused me earlier in this thread of elitism; on the contrary, your repeated accusations of people "promoting" streams and therefore ruining the great fishing you knew years ago is the very essence of elitism, as is your negative remarks on the efforts to provide greater access to properties by organizations like the conservancy.
On the topic of the dam in the Otter, a good thing to do would be to check with the property owner. There's a reasonably good chance that they did not build the dam. I would guess that the majority of the dams I have run into on streams are not the work of the property owners--certainly not on the Conservancy lands, and also not on the land owned by PPL and made open to the public.
If the dams are built without the landowner's permission, then it's exactly these types of things that result in land being posted or access restricted. On the flip side, if the dam was not built by the owner and good stewards of the stream come and ask first and then offer to rectify it, that can only help. Yes, of course one shouldn't just knock it down, but I don't think anyone was condoning that approach.