Other fly fishing message boards?

Wow, I guess you haven't read many of my posts. I'm typically known as a dry fly guy but enjoy steelhead and smallmouth with flies, lures, and yep, live shiners.
What area of PA did those smallies come from
Susquehanna River. Below Harrisburg and above the Norman Wood bridge.
In perspective.... one can do like a lot of us old timers did. Gather info from face to face meeting with another fly fisherman along a stream or in at a fly shop. Befriend an old pro to show you tips....join a local fly tiers club to network. In other words leg work and time. We had no forums, no YouTube videos or even internet for that matter. Those that were passionate then are here now contributing... those that didn't make it this far gave up long ago. As far as curmudgeons well that's the day and age we are in now. Maybe its remorse of the lifelong learning that took place over many years of trial and error that we went through to become considered as a decent fly angler. Now its a few clicks and info is there in front of you.
In perspective.... one can do like a lot of us old timers did. Gather info from face to face meeting with another fly fisherman along a stream or in at a fly shop. Befriend an old pro to show you tips....join a local fly tiers club to network. In other words leg work and time. We had no forums, no YouTube videos or even internet for that matter. Those that were passionate then are here now contributing... those that didn't make it this far gave up long ago. As far as curmudgeons well that's the day and age we are in now. Maybe its remorse of the lifelong learning that took place over many years of trial and error that we went through to become considered as a decent fly angler. Now its a few clicks and info is there in front of you.
the internet has made people lazy !
I've been a member/am a member of 6 sites over the years. I like to participate in and host fly swaps - been hosting for 11+ years now. I'm retired and this helps keep me busy and keeps my face off the walls of that building I mail the flies out of!

I also enjoy working with newer tyers so they get to enjoy this fine hobby as much as I have over the past 50+ years. If they try to learn just from a video or reading a book I find that a lot of these potential tyers get frustrated and fade away. I use my swaps as a type of on-line/mail in fly tying class.

Plus, I get to meet some fine people as well!


BTW, I cut my teeth fishing light/ultralight spin tackle and was tying flies ~ 5 years before I was fly fishing! In fact, the first pattern ever tied did not require a fly hook, tying thread, tying vise nor any fur/feather/synthetic materials! I tied a dozen back in the early '70's and still have 2 left.