OT Forum

krayfish2 wrote:

The bottom line is this is Dave’s site. He will set the rules for the forum and they will have to be followed. It’s pretty simple.

Was going to insert a Captain Obvious meme, but probably not a good time.;-)

DK asked for comments. I commented.

I’ve been members or just a visitor of other forums. I’ve just been a visitor on The Drake for example and couldn’t participate. It was difficult to find a thread that wasn’t riddled with profanity or personal attacks. I figured it was a pretty tight nit group where constant busting on each other was their thing. Not my cup of tea and I’m sure it’s not right for most. I often wondered what the forum owner was thinking by allowing a wild west type of behavior.

In place of the OT, possibly having a food / travel / sports / vehicle sections might work. Yinzers can talk Stillers, Eagles fans can pontificate why they haven’t and probably never will win the super bowl, soccer fans can chat, golfers, tennis players or whatever.

My only real comment / observation is that you have groups on here that have known each other from the last 15 JAMS. They needle, argue, irritate each other to no end because they KNOW each other, understand it’s all in good fun while sometimes raising valid points. If you are an outsider (from that particular group) and try to enter in the spirited discussion, you may get ignored, lectured, belittled, etc. You step in with a valid point or a little needling of your own and it’s not viewed the same as if it came from a member of that particular group. God forbid you offend one of them as you’ll likely to be ganged up on. High school clique rings a bell to me. I have every right to be offended by something posted as the next guy. I’m sure I’ve offended others too. My skin just happens to be thicker than wet tissue paper. I may view other posts as immoral, unethical, illegal or against religious beliefs but have never considered running to moderator or site owner to share how offended I am. I have asked for mods to contact a person sending me BS messages and asked them to block him. No matter how good of a guy I am or how big an advocate I am for wild fisheries, the way I express myself has been an ongoing sticking point.

Some excellent points there and I agree. I agree that you have thick [d]skull[/d] skin.;-) I like to think I do to, and also realize some people don't. And we need to be especially mindful of new people, who are not yet accustomed to the tone.

For this reason, I do not partake in jabs with new people. Unless they demonstrate right away they can take it as well as they dish it.
I’m not welcome, simply say so and I’d fade away as FarmerDave had said above. I’m not interested in walking around with the crosshairs fixed on my forehead just waiting. I’d rather just bow out.

Ditto that.

I think it’s been pretty obvious that Fox and I have butted heads on some threads and in OT. He contacted me about coming to Catskill Jam. I wasn’t sure if there was a motive and would have no reason to what to fish with him, right? Well, I’m not afraid to share what I sent him via PM………

We are doing a 'get together' for the purpose of fishing and friendship. We fish hard. Not unusual to spend long hours on the river. By all means, you are welcome to attend. There are newbies and seasoned anglers in the group. The vets take the new guys out and get them on fish, share the river, history, knowledge of the system, etc. My intention is to make more fans of the river that will help in protecting the resource. Double edged sword as some attendees are just looking for free boat rides, free flies or free gear. Bury the hatchet? Who knows. If you start spewing political, religious or other opinions......probably not. I'm also sure I wouldn't be the only one not interested in such discussions when on a fishing focused vacation. If your intention is to show up and cause chaos, please don't come. If you'd like to meet some of the forum members and fish, please do come. Just don't be upset if some of these guys school you on the river.

Had a similar situation about 17 years ago with a guy named JeffF, and I think we butted heads even more than you two. I accepted. Wife and I joined up with him and his fiance at the time for camping and fishing on Penns. Great time, and he schooled me on Penns.
Chaz wrote:
Part of the problem is there are folks signed up that are only signed up to post on the OT Forum and couldn't care less about Fly-fishing. I'm not judging, just stating a fact, many folks that post there never post on the other forums, many other only on rare occassions.

Chaz lack of posts isn't necessarily indicative of lack of interest. Maybe they do a lot of reading which isn't obvious.
Well, if it's gone for good that's fine. But, I would think we still need a place where it's just members only and not open to the general public. Call it whatever you want but we should still have the privacy. Draw the line in the sand and make it clear what will be and what won't be tolerated. Still a fair fishing site regardless of what has happened. It got out of hand, that was clear to all but, it's actually laughable that at the age of most of the guys on here that most don't have any kinda rhino skin and thick hide to just laugh this kinda stuff off. It's a shame actually.
Maybe you guys need to stop gripping in the OT forum all the time and actually get out and fish . Or take your significant others out . Or even better go to the gym . Nothing worse then a man that talks all the time and never gets out and accomplishes anything .
krayfish2 wrote:
That's one angry squirrel. Lol

He's just thirsty. 🙂
I thought maybe it was a Snickers commercial.
I am one of the old goatee's that built my life around fly fishing-butt no longer live that dream-love to read about it though-really enjoyed OT for the jesting but thought much was no longer fun or funny,just plain mean---apologize if some of my remarks came across that way but a lone wolf type has to be able to laugh at themselves otherwise what's the use of living when your too danged old for the loving-
Please,please give us one more chance to shoot ourselves down.
Thanks--pete 41.
I go away to camp for a week and look what you all went and did!

I generally stayed out of the "hot" OT threads, other than than to occasionally point out in some sense of obscurity how ridiculous everyone was being, but enjoyed some of the other OT stuff like many others. Bummer, but I agree with DK...we probably should have seen this coming. Some of the conversation was just stuff that as the premier PA fishing website, you wouldn't want to be associated with, period.

I'm proud to be a member, and carry a PAFF sticker on my vehicle. I like to brag about the site when someone asks me what PAFF is. Imagine mentioning PAFF to someone on the stream, or a newbie just getting into FFing signs up and sees some of that stuff. Not how we want to represent ourselves. If you want to have those types of discussions, in those tones, there's other places to go do it.

I'll definitely miss the vehicle talk...I'm having issues with my Tacoma. I mentioned previously that it ate my Mini Cooper...well, it apparently developed a taste for them. Parked it next to one at Wegmans the other day...came back out after picking up some Cooper cheese and yep, it ate it. Shoulda known better I suppose. The dude wants my insurance to cover it. Bad Tacoma, no fishing til next Spring!

Why ya"ll coming at me Bro . :lol:


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The last two posts are the kind of thing I miss about the OT forum (which In a way seems to be carrying on here quite well!)

That looks like the same squirrel that installed my cable too. He's got some kind of attitude.
Fredrick wrote:
Why ya"ll coming at me Bro . :lol:

Just looks like six months of fly tying material to me.

Where did I put my shaver?
Since this is paflyfish, why not keep it just that! Discussions regarding streams, techniques etc. in our state! There are plenty of sites to voice ones political views etc.

The reason it was named OT Jam forum was because the Jamborees were often brightened by the conversations that allowed each member to express views on topics other than FFing. As was noted, people knew one another on a different level and it enhanced the friendships.

Yet, off-topic discussions were disruptive to the FF discussions, so it was purposely segregated. There seems to be a consensus that by allowing greater latitude as to content and tone of posts, we doomed the positives of the forum.

The solution to that dilemma is not simple and I am glad we are discussing the issues and taking our time to resolve them one way or another.
In other words, it is "water-cooler talk," and it is bar room talk all the same, as was the Jamboree fire ring. It has a place among friends.

If I went to the water cooler and only had to talk FFing, I am pretty sure I'd get my own water cooler.

If I wanted to get to know someone, I wouldn't want to know only what kind of fly they were tying or how they best fish a nymph. Those topics make the site cohesive in that most of us are first and foremost FFers, but we all have other interests as well. Put those in OT and develop your friendships on a different level. Or, opt-out (by not visiting OT) and enjoy the site for what it is: a FFing message board with a wealth of information and FFing camaraderie.
I suggest having a heading called OT Forums.

Then under that have subtopics such as:

Music, Sports, Food, Cars, etc.

And make it open to the public.

No politics. Political forums are a train wreck everywhere on the internet.

troutbert wrote:
I suggest having a heading called OT Forums.

Then under that have subtopics such as:

Music, Sports, Food, Cars, etc.

And make it open to the public.

No politics. Political forums are a train wreck everywhere on the internet.

Totally agree!
I can't even talk politics with family, co-workers, and (most of) my friends.
dryflyguy wrote:
troutbert wrote:
I suggest having a heading called OT Forums.

Then under that have subtopics such as:

Music, Sports, Food, Cars, etc.

And make it open to the public.

No politics. Political forums are a train wreck everywhere on the internet.

Totally agree!
I can't even talk politics with family, co-workers, and (most of) my friends.

So the solution to hard problems and difficult subject matters appears to be avoidance...

You can make all the rules about what is and isn't permissible in OT, but unless the rules are actively enforced, it will decay into personal attack banter.