Opinions Wanted

Cool blog, man. I have a brother in LA and was thinking of going after some goldens with him. Looks like a blast.
Your a guide?
Makes me mad that your fishing this board for info. A real guide would not post and hide his pretences.
Talk to your man KrlWxlmn, he is the man when it comes to hiding his motives like you have done on this post.

Yeah, I am a guide.....I didn't know that made me the enemy :(

As for accusations of hiding information, I included both the outfitter I represent and my blog address (which clearly states I am a guide) in my first post at the beginning of this topic.

As for Karl, I can't speak for him and he doesn't represent the shop any longer. Let's not try using a forum to trash people's names :( They can take care of that on their own if they so wish.

I don't think I have been deceptive in any way, sorry you feel this way. In the future, if I can do anything to point you in the right direction for some time of relaxation on the water, please let me know.

As a guide, I am here to help others enjoy our great sport and have always done so.

Tight Lines,

So what if he takes an occasional guided trip to these mostly stocked marginal trout waters to take what I am sure is a C and R experience based on his blog? Besides, he said he isn't going to guide in PA. If he's able to eek out a living doing this, good for him. What's the difference getting info here instead of a fly shop?

Besides, if he advertised or was up front about his guiding service, it might be against forum rules.

I just don't get it.....
For those who may question my motives.......

I am a part time guide.....last year was my first season.....had 6 trips. I am minister full time. That means I preach most of the time. I hope I have motives that are more true than most.

I apologize if I have been in any way deceptive as this is not my intent. I simply love to fish and I know PA has a lot to offer. I hope to fish some of the waters you all frequent and hopefully as I have in other states, meet some of you to share the experience with.

If at any time, you have a question about where I may have fished, I would love to share advice. I am self taught....never had anyone to help me......therefore I want to help others come to love what I do......

Tight lines as always,


Don't pay any attention to that comment. I think it was a bit underhanded.

I'm way out east of you, but I'd be happy to help you with some general locations if you are ever out this way.

No worries here, enjoy the waters. Hopefully the info myself and others have provided will serve helpful to you and you'll find some enjoyment on the waters here in PA.

If you'd ever like to get to know Neshannock better let me know. I'm sure in the fall I'll be making more frequent trips to fish.

Thanks for sharing in your blog......whats the trick to taking those underwater pics?
flybum wrote:
For those who may question my motives.......

I am a part time guide.....last year was my first season.....had 6 trips. I am minister full time. That means I preach most of the time. I hope I have motives that are more true than most.

I apologize if I have been in any way deceptive as this is not my intent. I simply love to fish and I know PA has a lot to offer. I hope to fish some of the waters you all frequent and hopefully as I have in other states, meet some of you to share the experience with.

If at any time, you have a question about where I may have fished, I would love to share advice. I am self taught....never had anyone to help me......therefore I want to help others come to love what I do......

Tight lines as always,


Flybum, my post was simply a joke. I'm sorry a few people took it the wrong way. Am I the only one who can see those smileys in messages? Also, I was considering offering to take you to a stream or two (for free of course). I live close to you (in West Williamsfield) but am from NWPA. I have no problem with guides. Ministers on the other hand ... ;-) (another joke).

For everyone else. I don't know this guy, and the only reason I knew he was a guide was from info he provided in his messages. He certainly was not trying to hide anything in my opinion. Besides, I have less problem giving info to a good guide than I do with an unknown who might be a slob fisherman.

By the way Flybum. Great pictures
Like RLP said, it depends on what part of the Allegheny. however, it is all good smallmouth wiht the occasional large trout certain times of the year. However, they have reintroduced otters, and it didn't take long to figure out where the trout hold during the warm weather.

the picture below was taken in the President area. Wide and shallow. so is the river. :-D

Hey, I appreciate your reply....and by the way, I totally took your comment as a lighthearted thing. It was the other shot that I wanted to address in case others felt that way.

You know the funny thing is, that when I mentioned I was a minister I thought to myself maybe some will think that is worse and then you made the funny about it. I'm sure it will frighten some :lol:

At any rate, thanks for your replies and kind words. I hope to make connections some time in the future.

whats the trick to taking those underwater pics?

For the underwater shots you see in my blog, I am simply using a good digital camera with an underwater case that allows me to shoot up to 10ft deep. My camera is a Sony DSC-W70 with a Sportspack. Unfortunately my wife just took it out for the first time and dropped it. Can't get the lense to come out now :-(

Gonna have to send it in......I'm sure it's gonna hurt. I will probably need a day guiding to pay for it...... :-D

Tight Lines........

Ohio- I recently purchased the Olympus Stylus 770. It is awesome. Shockproof for the dropping and waterproof for the dunking (good to 33ft under). Forget the bags. That said the bad part is it was $340. I got mine for Circut City seemed to be the cheapest I could find without going the way of Ebay. It is easy to use and comes with a rechargable battery. I have not had it long enough to really see how long the battery lasts. I have had mulitple day trips with it and have not had to charge the battery yet.
Ohio- I recently purchased the Olympus Stylus 770. It is awesome. Shockproof for the dropping and waterproof for the dunking (good to 33ft under). Forget the bags. That said the bad part is it was $340. I got mine for Circut City seemed to be the cheapest I could find without going the way of Ebay. It is easy to use and comes with a rechargable battery. I have not had it long enough to really see how long the battery lasts. I have had mulitple day trips with it and have not had to charge the battery yet.

Acristic -

I am glad you mentioned that camera....I have been noticing more and more people using those. I would really like to see what it can do........As for price.....you did good. My Sony (I know they are considered top of the line so you pay for it) is a 7.2 megapixel and it cost me $399. I then purchased a Sportspack for $99 which is great, but I have $500 in an underwater setup.

My next question, is what kind of rechargeable does yours have? Is is a AA? Sony is notorious for changing battery types and what not to keep you buying. I also bought a spare battery which gives me about 7 days on trail worth of pics (when it is cold that is.....much longer during warm periods of the year).

I would love to see some photos you have shot with it. I am constantly getting comments on how nice of photos my camera takes, but they can't be that different.....can they?

Tight Lines.....

I got the Olympus 720SW. What underwater mode do you use? Maybe the water I'm in is just too muddy......

I would venture to say that the water you are in carries to much silt for good underwater shots. I have yet to get anything good anywhere in Ohio.....just to much silt. Even in water that looks clear. All the shots you see on my blog have been taken in Virginia mountain streams or in California mountain streams.....no silt issues there.

Keep shootin underwater and it will pay off.
