Did it ever stop anyone from lying or being corrupt?
Never thought I would agree with a
A witness may testify based upon an affirmation to tell the truth, they need not "swear on the Bible." More lies have been told after a hand was placed upon the Bible than you can shake a stick* at. How would you feel if you entered a courtroom to offer testimony and they asked you to place your hand on the Koran and swear to tell the truth?

You may recall that a Muslim Representative was recently sworn in to Congress using the Koran (but see,, causing quite a stir as well.

It amazes me how myopic people can be in general, but more partuicularly about religious issues.

PS, Will, I still agree with you even though you may not agree with me.

* (Possible fly fishing reference?)
It's a bad subject to get into, but as long as you guys insist on it ...

:pint: Please pass the popcorn.
"QUITE, an interesting post"!!?
Started out, with one of us, "asking about a mint error on the new dollar" and NOW.......we're up to "Swearing people into court, using the Koran"!?!
Frankly, I wholeheartedly agree with the use of "Trout Madness", instead of the Bible.
Robert Traver, (aka John D. Voulker) was, after all, a law judge of the highest order, in Michigan. Then, when "Anatomy Of A Murder" became a best seller, he chucked it all and dedicated the rest of his days to being a FLY FISHERMAN!?! What, BETTER judge of character, where real "honesty" is concerned, can ya' get?
After all; we ALL KNOW how utterly honest, upstanding, forthright and over filled with real integrity.... all we fly fishermen are?
I also, have kept a half dozen of these new dollars with the blank edges. Now, I think, I'm going to take my engraver and a magnifier and inscribe: "In Traver We Trust" around the edge of them, then put them back into circulation!
I'm also backing out of this thread as others have said they're doing, because "religion, politics and what to eat with your peanut butter" are all too heady of topics for a fly fishing forum to discuss safely!
flybinder wrote:
"QUITE, an interesting post"!!?
Started out, with one of us, "asking about a mint error on the new dollar"

I guess perception is everything...I read the original post to say that the country was going downhill because "in GOD we trust" isn't on the new dollar coin.

I'm glad someone recommended Traver though...if it had been Geirach we could have been in some real trouble.
I read it the same way, Tom. Been biting my tongue since then, but whatcha gonna do.

Deep breath...
So, sorry, Chaps!
Obviously, I had not worded my post correctly. which is often the case..... When I stated; "It started out, someone asking about a mint error", I should have clarified that statement, with; "Because that's ALL IT IS, an error in minting a few thousand coins and NOT the fact, that our country is going to hell, because of it".
Well, now that you mentioned it, I also think the country is going down hill, I just pointed out that the missing edge marks just isn't an indication of it.

And if anyone wants to know, this wasn't a new idea to take attention away from "In God we Trust". It isn't the first time they minted coins with edge markings. It is just the first time in about 74 years (gold double eagle).

Peanut butter on popcorn? Ihanks for the idea. I might have to try that.

Don't know about the country but i'm going down hill,fast.And a dollar isn't enough to get a loaf of bread,pack of smokes and a gallon of gas.
Got to have all that if i'm gonna go fishing 3 days a week.
And by the way ..........................

You are all wrong, even you lawyers! :-D

The first time "In God We Trust" was placed on a US coin was not in the 1950s. that was simply when it was declared the national motto. The first US coin to sport that logo by act of congress was the 1864 2 cent piece. In 1865 another act of congress allowed it to be added to all gold and silver coins. They started adding it the following year. I have a 1863 silver 3 cent piece, and it doesn't have it. I guess it is no good. Maybe I should throw it away. :-D

It arose because people got a whole lot more religious during the civil war.

OK, some of you guys might say they did away with it until the 1950s. WRONG!!!. Been used since that two cent piece. Not on all coins, but there wasn't a single year where it wasn't used on some coins. It's been used on every coin since 1938 when it was added back to the new nickel.

I told you I used to collect coins, and I knew 1950s didn't sound right. Look at your old wheat pennies if you don't believe me. Jack, you cheap skate, I know you still have your first communion money. Go check that.

Here is another interesting piece of coin trivia. For those that think removing “In God We Trust” is somehow un-American, consider this. In 1907 the Eagle and Double Eagle gold coins ($10 and $20) were redesigned, and “In God We Trust” was removed because the president at that time felt it was inappropriate to put the name of God on money. That’s a big hmmmm. Any of you remember Teddy Roosevelt (1901-1909)? It was added back in mid 1908 because of complaints.
All of which is completely beside the point, yet proves the point to which I intended to agree with in stating I agreed with Will, i.e. that whether or not the words In God We Trust are printed on our currency has nothing to do with whether or why the Country is or is not going down hill.
flybinder wrote:
I also, have kept a half dozen of these new dollars with the blank edges.

I hope you realize you can buy a heck of a nice bamboo fly rod with those half dozen coins if they are uncirculated. Probably worth between $100 and $500 each depending on how they grade. Ungraded, you can still get a pretty nice plastic rod.

I think all the mistakes were made in Philly. Figures. :lol:
All people should be able to follow any belief or non-belief they chose, that's one of the foundations under which our nation was created – religious freedom. As far as coins, I would be happier if they stamped a brook trout on it. To me there are too many other important issues to address more important than a debate about the inscription on coins. I’ll leave that to others.
JackM wrote:
All of which is completely beside the point, yet proves the point to which I intended to agree with in stating I agreed with Will, i.e. that whether or not the words In God We Trust are printed on our currency has nothing to do with whether or why the Country is or is not going down hill.

I don't think it is beside the point at all, and it doesn't prove anything. But it does support the point to which you intended to agree with in stating you agree with Will. that was my intention I think. :roll: :-D

It aint going anywhere, and personally I like it that, but only because of tradition.

I can see it now. Someone robs an armored car and gets away with a couple bags of these dollar coins, only to return them because he felt guilty when he saw the words In God we Trust on the edge. But he kept the ones without it. :roll: ;-)
afishinado wrote:
... As far as coins, I would be happier if they stamped a brook trout on it...

You know, I was thinking the same thing. Put a fish on it. Those that are religious will think of it as a religious symbol, those that don't will think it is a fish.
Does that mean if I find one of those I could get a loaf of Breakfast bread for a dollar?
Gee -
Two, of the four I have, that are "mint errors" are in coin cases and un-circulated. The other four I've received as "quarters" when getting change. When the "Susan B Disaster" first came out I managed to get over $45.00 in those, when clerks thought they were "quarters", in less the three months.
So far, with the new dollars out, gold or not, I've gotten $17.00 worth of those, already, again with clerks "not watching their change drawers".
No, sorry, I'm not as "low" as we fly flingers are reported to be...... every time I've gotten a dollar, for a quarter, I've caught the clerk, gave them a paper dollar for the coin one, then asked for my "correct change" also.
Funny, you mentioned the "bamboo rod angle" and these new coins! I started tossing all the ones I get, into a wood box on my tying table,for just that exact purpose! It's amazing how fast it's adding up!
This overall thread, has also been really interesting and thanks to YOU, very educational, as far as coins go!
Now, whether, or not, we're all on the same page................i.e. "Is the country going to hell, because; "God's off, getting his casting certificate from the FFF", and/or, "Coin mistakes,made by the mint", I still feel we should use "Trout Madness" in our court rooms and have a write in ballot addition for a Gierach/ McManus ticket.
Just my opinion!! All of this separation of Church and state is a bunch of huuy. The way I read the Constitution there is no such guarantee. It guarantees the government can't declasre a state regilion. Of course I haven't spent years studying the Constitution like some folks have, so all bets are off.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."