Off topic - late winter storm, it's the FBC's fault



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
So the FBC moves the trout season opener up to 3/31 this year because the weather in the SE is so mild. And now we get three messy winter storms in a row!

It's the fish commission's fault! It's all their fault!! And it always is of course!! They are to blame for everything, rising gas prices, bad television, the decline of Western Civilization, etc.
Dear Padraic,

This ain't even the "onion snow" yet. There is more to come.

Tim Murphy :)
Speaking of this late storm... I had planned to head out for my first fishing since Oct on Monday.

Any thoughts on how this storm might affect Monday in terms of being a good/bad day to head out?

Oh, I'm in SEPA, btw.
Actually the Game Commission is to blame for all the woes you list. The FBC is only to blame for global warming - which is why they're stocking earlier. Guess they didn't see this storm coming. :-D
I think it is time we "et" that danned groundhog
At least it isn't being blamed on the ACLU-- yet.
Arggghhh!!! Another weekend without fish!

The rythm of this weather is killing me. A couple nice days during the week to get your hopes up, then it all goes to pot on the weekend.

I was supposed to fish for steelhead tomorrow. On the way to Erie, the guys I was to meet called me on my cell and said turn around and go home. The snow is comming down so hard the streams are slushy, and its supposed to snow overnight and all day tomorrow.

I'm not sure the ACLU is completely blame free on this one...
This administration has no regard for us fisherman types! That darn Bush.

The hardest thing about fishing on Monday will be finding a place to pull off the road..their's alot of snow out there!

I'm so glad I was able to get out those two nice days this week, it's nice to be retired, or have a job like Maurice has!

Paul G