Off Topic - Bigfoot in ANF

flybinder wrote:
The last sentence in your post..."Or, if he PUMPS into you......", makes this entire post, take on an entirely different perspective as to "The type of "BEAR", you shaved the rear end on?"
Granted, it CAN get mighty "lonely" in them thar woods, but geesh!

Don't quit your day job.

It would make more sense if the ypo was in the first part of that sentence. But it does remind me of the time I went fishing with tomgamber.

We were working along a stream near a meadow when I heard a sheep bleating. It was clearly in distress, so being a humanitarian, I decided to investigate. To my surprise, I found a young ewe with it's head caught in a fence. I looked around to see if there was a farmhouse nearby or if there was anyone around, but found no-one. Having been born and raised in what you city boys would call the mountains, I put down my fishing gear, unstrapped my waders and ... Well, based on your previous response, you can guess the rest.

After a few minutes I saw Tom standing there with a look of amazement on his face. Being somewhat embarrassed, I said to Tom, "where are my manners, would you like a turn?" Tom immediately dropped his waders and stuck his head in the fence.

:p :-D
Thankfully, I don't have a "Day Job", I took early retirement at 49 and now just fish. But, only on days that end in the letter "Y".

FD; I'm glad that you and Tom are so close, as good fishing butties are hard to find.

Tom, I recently heard a story about FarmerDave, concerning "A Nun, a Chimpanzee and Hot Air Balloon", but this isn't the place for such things, I'm sure.

As to the "actual post", however, I don't know of any place that's more "Big Foot" crazy, than here in the Pacific Northwest. In every town, with a population of less than 5,000 leaving them not much, else, to do.... there's an annual "Big Foot Days" going on.

"Parades, parties, even fireworks, are all a huge part of these festivities, although I never could see what "fireworks and Sasquatch" had in common? At every celebration, every year, "whoever saw the last Sasquatch", is also the "Grand Marshal of the local parade".

As mentioned, before, "It's amazing, that with all the hi-tech gear out there for spotting game on a trail, security surveillance, night vision, etc.etc. NO ONE has ever been able to even snap a decent picture of "Old Fur Feet"!?

Odd, how we can "snap a close up of baby bald eagles, being fed by their parents in a nest from a 1/4 mile away" and it's as crystal clear as if taken in a studio but, somehow, Big Foot is always "running away, VERY blurry,out of good range", or the standard used around the Northwest.... "I was so scared and HE was so BIG that my camera shook a lot!"