Off Topic - Bigfoot in ANF



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
My camp is very close to this. I am headed up this weekend and will be putting out Iron City's as bait along with some Chocolate Mini Donuts.


Is It Bigfoot? Hunter's Photos Ignite Debate
Sunday, October 28, 2007

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RIDGWAY, Pa. — It's furry and walks on all fours.

Beyond that, about the only thing certain about the critter photographed by a hunter's camera is that some people have gotten the notion it could be a Sasquatch, or bigfoot. Others say it's just a bear with a bad skin infection.

Rick Jacobs says he got the pictures from a camera with an automatic trigger that he fastened to a tree in the Allegheny National Forest, about 115 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, hoping to photograph deer.

"We couldn't figure out what they were," Jacobs said of the images captured on Sept. 16. "I've been hunting for years and I've never seen anything like this."

He contacted the Bigfoot Research Organization, which pursues reports of a legendary two-legged creature that some people believe lives in parts of the U.S. and Canada.

"It appears to be a primate-like animal. In my opinion, it appears to be a juvenile Sasquatch," said Paul Majeta of the bigfoot group.

However, the Pennsylvania Game Commission has a more conventional opinion. Agency spokesman Jerry Feaser said conservation officers routinely trap bears to be tagged and often see animals that look like the photos.

"There is no question it is a bear with a severe case of mange," Feaser told The Bradford Era.
Iron City and mini donuts... If I happen to fall into whatever trap you set, please release me unharmed.
Kill some time at work:

We have a strict catch and release policy at camp. All animals are released unharmed except for and brain cells damaged by booze and high cholesterol from frying evrything in bacon grease.

However, some have been known to walk into trees and fall into the crick. Rarely these animals burn them selves playing in the fire. After a dozen Irons they seem to become Hypnotized by the fire and often will grab a burning log. There is also the rare spider bit on the A** for those who sit without inspecting the outhouse. These animals are treated as deficient and are often returned to their mates slightly damaged.. Their mates usually look at them with disgust and we often hear strange vocalizations that oddly sound like a scolding.

No way the Bigfoot from that area will go for the Iron City. All the Natives from Elk County and surrounding areas will only go for

This brings the PAFF web board to a new low. I can't believe that you would entertain the notion that there are big feet in the ANF.

Everybody knows that they live down behind greengate mall.
Are there photos to view on this...I have to see this poor bear or bigfoot or whatever.
Hell, I can;t ever tell if its coming or going from those pics let alone what it is. If its a bear it could use few cheeseburgers, though.
If it's a bear, it's definitely got some posture issues. Wish you could get a better look at the head.

Keeping in mind that I'm a hell of a skeptic, I'll admit that it's interesting.
Whatever that thing is, it ain't Tim Murphy. He is singlehandedly responsible for most Bigfoot sightings in PA!
If anyone wants to get a picture of Bigfoot, I suggest putting one of those trail cameras on a tree near Tim's property, and setting out a few cases of Yuengling as bait.......... :-D
does it look a little like this ?

Oh and yes I believe in Bigfoot, Aliens, the Loch Ness Monster and Santa Claus. If people can buy and sell land in Second Life for real money, I sure as hell can believe in these guys!
Yup, that looks like it..never seen a bear so skinny. Never have a dumpster around when you need one.
I'm with Bruno, I believe that there is all kinds of crazy sh!# out there.

I used to see all sort of stuff along south mountain back in my Mont Alto days. All of it could not have been chemically induced.

My vote is that its a chupacabra.
I have a friend who claims to have seen bf in the ANF I am still a skeptic but after those pics I might be more inclined to believe him. That ain't no bear. Definitely makes ya wonder.
I agree with the Game Commission.

A bear with mange, a severe case, most likely very near the end of it's lifespan.

I have seen 2 bears with mange in the wild on our old farm. Very similar condition, very skinny with thinning hair.

I should mention I am a bigfoot skeptic. If there were as many Bigfeet(???) as people report somone should have shot one or have good pictures by now. There are animals on the verge of extinction of which pictures have been taken, it seems strange Bigfoot has been so elusive.
Did anyone look for tracks or would that info make this much less interesting?
Reort the area was covered with bear tracks and bear "poo" would not be helpful to the legend.
It's a bear.

The last time i was up there, a very ugly bear tried to steal my lunch and i was having none of that. To teach him a lesson, I shaved his butt with a dull pocket knife and taught him to walk backwards. That explains his stance and posture and is why his head is down and looking backwards between his legs.

If you ever bump into him, or rather if he pumps into you, his name is fluffy. Be nice to him, he had a rough time of it.
The last sentence in your post..."Or, if he PUMPS into you......", makes this entire post, take on an entirely different perspective as to "The type of "BEAR", you shaved the rear end on?"
Granted, it CAN get mighty "lonely" in them thar woods, but geesh!