Odd Wader Question



New member
Jun 14, 2009
I didn't know where else to put this thread and this is probably something weird that no one ever heard of because i always get crap like this. So in the last year i just magically developed a contact dermatitis rash on the top of my feet every time i wear my breathable waders. Had frogg toggs and it didnt happen.....then just happened. Those wore out....new pair of frogg toggs happens again. Those wore out in 3 months so get a good pair of reddington sonic pro and it happens with them too.

Tried everything....... thicker socks, two pairs of socks, covered in medicated powder and 2 socks. Still happens. I know this isnt a place for medical questions, but my doctor's solution was a steroid cream and to not wear things that cause it, so since that isn't an option.....guess ill go out on a limb here and ask if this ever happened to anyone here and if they have a solution or anyone knows of something that would be sweat proof on the feet under the waders because i think the sweat leachates the cause (neoprene or whatever) through the cotton and causes it. It's a shot in a dark but any solutions any one can think of or know of?
Just a shot in the dark, but it could be related to moisture on your feet. Try a moisture wicking sock as the first layer and a wool or cotton sock over top. Even those thin dress socks will work, but there's specific moisture wicking socks out there. That's the only thing I have, and it'll also keep you warmer in the winter time.
To add to what Ryan suggested, try powdering up with some medicated foot powder before putting them on. Should minimize irritation from rubbing and moisture.
If all of that fails, Dr. Scholl's makes a product called moleskin. (I think these day's it's moleskin plus or molefoam or something)

It's sometimes tough to find in grocery store pharmacy's, but the CVS type places usually carry it.

It has a self adhesive back, like a bandaid, but the front is a soft textured pad. It comes in large sheets to cut as you wish, so it works well for larger areas that bandaid's and such couldn't cover. It seems to stay in place really well for me, even if you get it damp.

I used to get blisters on my feet during hunting season (stands are 4+ miles from road). Also used it in high school during football training camp, where I'd develop blisters and sores on my feet during 3 a days. This stuff worked wonders. Just put it over top. If a small spot is especially tender, I'd cut out holes there, and it held the boots and stuff away from it. After a while I got smart and started using it preventively, and it works great for that.
To piggyback off the other guys. 100% poly (check your dress socks) for the first layer then wool over that. It's really helped keep my feet dry and comfortable in my hunting boots... I'm guessing the same should apply to your waders. I'd also recommend some powder, medicated or otherwise with this setup if the rash continues
How about bootfoot waders instead of neoprene booties?
I was getting a red spot just above my ankle each time I wore my waders this summer. I usually wore shorts, and socks weren't tall enough to cover the area. Now that I'm wearing pants again, the red spot has disappeared. It wouldn't last long if I put moisturizing lotion on after showering (are you doing that after fishing?). My father is a family practitioner, and passes out Elocon like M&M's. It's harmless and does the trick.

P.S. Try putting a plastic bag over your socks as a barrier to the neoprene. It just might work.
Try Anti Monkey Butt Powder... I just like the name! In all seriousness, get a hiking sock liner, and a wicking hiking sock, Rei sells quality versions of both. If that dosent work, just treat it with steroid cream as it works wonders. I spend lots of time outdoors in the winter and get dermatitis on my eyelids and face from the cold. Steroid cream clears it right up.
I actually spray my feet with antiperspirant before putting on my socks to prevent sweating and many associated problems as well as cold feet. Dry feet are warm and less likely to get "Ick".
Thanks guys appreciate all the help. I've tryed to powder up with two pairs of socks and it still breaks out and it gets bad. So i'm thinking its a reaction to the neoprene which is weird cuz i wore them for like 2 years and it just started this year. Guess ill try the moleskin and plastic bag techniques cuz i never found boot foot waders to be that comfortable for myself.

thanks again everyone
could be a reaction . i had the same thing happen with latex gloves one day i was fine and the next poof they looked like hellboy hands .
Latex booties?
SBecker wrote:
How about bootfoot waders instead of neoprene booties?

^ +1 This would be my suggestion. Seems the term "contact" is your problem.

And the suggestion above about the wicking socks.....Its wicking socks and WOOL, NEVER cotton. Cotton is the enemy!

That is all.....