Oak Orchard, Ny



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
Possibly heading up after Thanksgiving with some friends. Anybody been up lately that can give a report or some info? Pm is fine.

Btw, recommendations for places to stay? I was told the Econo lodge in Brockport is cheap, but not the cleanest.
too cold up there, heading south to florida, I'll take sunburn over frostbite any day of the week!
SBecker, try Dollingers' in Albion. I'm driving up on Sat. and will be fishing the area Sunday-Tuesday. Haven't talked to anyone up there for a week, but the fish are there. If everything is booked up close to the Oak, you can always get rooms in Batavia. It's only a 30 min. drive, and the prices are about the same as the close by motels, and they are alot nicer.........Orleansoutdoors fly shop might have some rooms (this would be my last option though).
Thanks Biggie, we will be up Friday and Saturday. Why the no go on Orleansoutdoor? I emailed them before I saw this to ask about price and availibility. Have not heard back though.
First here's a report from the Oak for last week (video)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ_5msOqFJc&feature=youtu.be The rooms are above the fly shop and have a shared bathroom and 1 TV in a common area. This is called "The Licorice Lounge" as the owner of the shop's nickname is the Licorice Man. When I stayed there, a couple of yrs. ago, you removed a piece of plexiglass from the floor vent to let heat up into the bathroom. This is the leftover heat from the fly shop. If you give The Licorice Man (Ron) cash for your room, you will save a little.
LMAO I don't know if that is creepy or funny as hell. I will be paying cash. Do you know around what price would be? Dollingers is booked.
Becker, I think you know this character! I gave him the $.50 tour of the Oak the first time he was up there. I also showed him this spot where he caught that brown...........


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Yea he is a douche bag. Lol
I think his rooms are around $35/ night.
Thanks Big!
Fished the past weekend. Good numbers of browns and moderate steelhead mixed in. Some good fish around.Moderate flows with color. Canal drainage flows should proceed. Did well with suckered spawn in white and chartreuse. Trout beads are very good choices also. Chartreuse in low lite. Lite pinks and creams. Estaz eggs also.Streamers work well also. Pressure was heavy both days though. Dollingers is a good choice. There are two locations.Perfer the one located by the office.
Thanks for all the detailed info , Polskip. I will be in a tying frenzy tomorrow.

I fished a nearby Ontario trib Nov 2nd. I caught a couple kings, a couple steelhead and a half dozen or more browns including two over ten pounds. I'll send you a PM.

Was up first week of November. Tons of Browns, and good number of Steelhead. We stay in Alcott in a cabin that's like 150 something a night...slept 6. We had success of egg patterns (veiled eggs were hot as were estaz), purple leeches, and orange bellied hares ear.
last weeks catch near albion, buddy paul with a 27" steelie and a few browns. he used a bamboo 8wt for his fish.



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Well such the power company decided to completely shut off the flow to Oak for some type of emergency, we are not taking the ride up Friday. Heard there was a bunch of dead fish, and the ones that did make it had to go back to the estuary. Would have been my first trip. O well next time.
Bummer. Better luck next time.
What a bummer.

I was looking forward to your report.