Nymphing with a floating Indicator

check thingamabobbers on google. I had just cashed in some cabelas points one a few of them. These guys are really light and in come cases will get swept under in faster current. I am trying to learn to fish without the indicator but half of my fun is watching it go under. LOL
mike_richardson wrote:
check thingamabobbers on google. I had just cashed in some cabelas points one a few of them. These guys are really light and in come cases will get swept under in faster current. I am trying to learn to fish without the indicator but half of my fun is watching it go under. LOL

I'm not a young lady and I have no God given talent and a bad back. Since I almost always nymph I though the point was to sink the devils? Bounce them off the bottom while keeping them moving so the trout doesn't get too many looks at it? If you want to suspend them, why not use a big dry to float above? A sort of 2 for one chance? My in-line indicator was my best friend. I could see not just the surface current but the bottom where my nymph was, A Stop in the line at any moment was a trigger to just set the line. Later I figured out more.

Our trout season just started today. Hope you've been out and enjoyed some time stream-side.