NorthWEST Mid August trip to oil creek and Caldwell creek.. any tips?



New member
Aug 11, 2013
heading up to north to fish oil creek and caldwell creek this coming weekend anyone on here fish them alot and could give me any tips for the two? im going to be fishing oil creek from drakes rig down and no to sure about caldwell where ill be going since i have never been there lol so any pointers like popular flies or good location on the streams to fish would be great! thanks!
Gotta be thinking bass if your going to oil. I would even suggest hitting the allegheny. It's been really good this summer.
i was planning on fishing for trout we were gonna fish for bass sunday morning....any streams around that area that still fish well in august for trout?
Gotta be thinking brookie streams. Oil may have some left but I think water temp may be getting pretty high. Once July hits I turn to bass in allegheny. Lol I usually start back into trout later in October. Now that I have a new full time teaching position sadly my time on the water is going to start suffering lol
what about caldwell creek? is that still fishable this time of year? i hear ya though man finishing up my last year of college and working my internship pretty much takes up all my time on the water also...congrats on the job though!! i have a few friends that can't find anything but a few subbing jobs here and there since they graduated
With the cooler summer Caldwell may fish, but I'd try to take a temp if you can. I've only fished it once(and got skunked) so I'm not of much help. Fished the WB the same day and only managed one of the stocked fingerlings which must have swam up from the main branch. I agree with OilCreekKid, if Caldwell doesn't work out then maybe try some brookie streams or fish for bass on the Allegheny and other warmwater streams.
PM sent with a couple of my favorite streams in the area.
