No opening day fishing for me



Well-known member
Aug 12, 2009
I am not complaining. I used to love this but since I have somewhere else to go at my R&G club in the Poconos, I would much rather leave some room for everyone else to enjoy the day.

I hope that everyone else had a great day.
I had to fight 3 grown men, cut someone's line off their rod, and push a handful of kids in the crick, but I caught that palomino. Suckers!!!

I'll keep y'all informed on my wild trout adventure tomorrow with HopBack.
Some guy caught a 11.2lb 29 inch golden rainbow on 2lb line today where I was fishing. Didn’t even look real it was so big. I have noticed a significant decrease in how many golden rainbows they stocked at least in my area, but that could be because the chambersburg rod and gun isn’t stocking this year because of snails
Turnout light in Blair Co. Canoe Lake and creek, which usually draw big numbers, were nearly deserted this morning, probably b/c of the early morning rains. Other places my wife and I drove by were equally devoid of fishermen. I know that most of us like to fish for wild trout, but I thought it was sort of sad that what is often a family day in the outdoors had so few participants, at least where I saw on the stocked trout streams.
Drove over to Pocono Creek behind the High School at 4 PM. Nobody.
I fished a smallish suburban stream that runs within a greenway between developments of various ages. Saw 21 anglers in 0.5 mi. That’s about avg for SE Pa streams of that type even in good weather. It was drizzling/raining lightly for part of the morning and the stream was off color at 8 AM from an early morning t-storm. In the afternoon I took a 9 yr old to a spot in a suburbsn park along the Jordan. I could see about 150 yds of of creek and while we fished for 2.5 hrs there were about 8 anglers who fished through that stretch.
No fishing for me. My cousin and longtime fishing pal had bypass surgery Friday. Hes up and walking as of yesterday and doing fine.

That he was on the sidelines, the weather being what it was, a list of honey do's, and a rambunctious 9 month old setter puppy that needs constant attention, i just wasnt into fishing yesterday.

I did pass by Little Schuylkill in Tamaqua late yesterday afternoon, and didnt see anyone fishing in that area along 309. The weather at the time wasnt all that bad either. Fairly warm, sun shining and light wind.

Plenty of time and the fishing only gets better.