Newbie Summer Pattern Fly Swap ..

Ok, I'm definitely in. I have a sculpin pattern that I'm pretty confident in, and for the other I'm not sure. Do you or does anyone else have a preference. I was thinking a bh hotspot frenchie or a cdc and elk caddis. I also like to tie and fish soft hackles if anyone is interested in that. Let me know what you think.
I think someone just did a CDC and elk for last swap. Is this a "patterns that will work in the summer for anything" swap?

If so I'll do a Trico spinner if that's cool? And a streamer but I'll have to think on that one.
J55 wrote:

I think someone just did a CDC and elk for last swap. Is this a "patterns that will work in the summer for anything" swap?

If so I'll do a Trico spinner if that's cool? And a streamer but I'll have to think on that one.
I think "patterns that will work in the summer for anything" is a good idea. That said, we're newbies and if ur unsure abt a summer pattern no worries and ad something else ... especially if this gets as many participants as possible.
Apologizes gents.

Haven’t been around the board much past few weeks. Btwn spring fishing, guys preparing for last weeks jam, etc, etc not sure anyone cared if this slipped back a lil…

Gonna put a July 1st date on this one.

I’m dropping the hopper and going to ad one of the nymphs I’ve been tying the past month but just not sure which one yet ..

Stags – Beetle and (some nymph)

J55tyger – trico and streamer to be named

Djs – ant and streamer to be named

Pro4 – says he’s in what patterns?

Mic – in but needs to name flys

Laszlo – beetle and gruff gnat

Paragon - sculpin pattern and to be named

Again apologizes and please just drop a line that ur good … room for 5 more anyone invited
I'm still good to go. Put me down for a BWO emerger along with the sculpin.
Hey, is this still on. I'm about ready to ship
Sorry guys - I've had some stuff come up at work and I'm going to have to drop. I kept hoping I could get if fitted in, but failed totally.

My apologies.
Yeah i thought this kinda died out. If not, i better get tying.
Life is getting in the way for me on this one. Sorry for late notice. Norm
Seemed like no one had any enthusiasm so i kinda let it die. Maybe we'll try it again in the fall or winter when we are tying more than fishing.