Newbie Brookie Expedition/Jam?

My son and I would definitely be in depending on location and date keep me posted thanks
We doing this?
Stagger, any time you want, I'll take you out for brookies. You shall catch them, and it shall be good.
There has typically been an expidition of this type at the JAM. pcray has headed it up for a few years. It just sort of happens, so if anyone is attending the JAM and interested in brookies, just say the word and we'll get someone to show you the ropes.
Thanks Squatch .. ur in Lancaster right? If that happens it will be considered "newbie", right? This means patience and answering of questions b4 I "catch my groove".
Dude, I took chickens more springier than you up these streams. No worries. The stream I have in mind is a GREAT stream for "beginners", as it's not quite as tight as most.
Yeah, my MO at the jam has been get to a brookie stream Sat morning, preferably with a newbie or 3 in tow. Leave, get a bite to eat or whatever, and arrive at a larger stream for evening festivities (and hopefully meet up with more PAFF people).

At that time of year, it usually works out pretty well that way, that's the way I'd do it if I were alone. Biggest issue is getting around on time to get a decent trip in. Without fail, someone in the planned group stayed up drinkin till 3 or 4 a.m. on Friday night, and it's nearly lunchtime before we get them on the road. With driving and hiking, that doesn't give you much time on the brookie waters without endangering missing the evening fun.

I socialize and down a few on Friday, but don't get ridiculous. Saturday night is the important one. And drinkin late Friday, followed by getting up and fishing all day Saturday, doesn't leave enough in the tank for Saturday night these days. I'm gettin old. Gotta "prepare" for Saturday if I want to be a trooper.

That said, Stagger, I fully intend to take you on a brookie outing or two this year, not counting the jam. There may be a chance to get you out in the next couple of weeks. Lookin at a couple of weekends here. Things still too in the air to commit to anything, but one of em's gotta work out. I'll let you know.
Good stuff ... I'll get with my better half to discuss some weekends for May and/or June and PM some dates tho I would also consider playing hooky ... will put something together over the next few weeks.
Yea Pcray .. I'm in for that as well. I really need to get into this b/ as much as I love to fish (catch'em) I have really learned to appreciate the sounds of the creek. Looking forward to getting into some scenic spots as I haven't really experienced that yet.

Better start hitting the gym b/ ADucker told me abt one of the places I think you took him last fall
Comon, I'm not exactly in the best shape!!! If I can handle it.....

But yeah, I'd take you to that one. It's about as scenic as things get, and certainly above average from a fishing standpoint.

But also a real ballbuster. There are lots of less "aggressive" places if it's a real concern.
Pcray if you guys do that, let me know. I'm always lookin' for new water. I'll gladly show you some of my haunts locally, but I doubt they'd really be worth your trip over, as I never caught 40+ fish a day!
hehe I hope I didn't scare you off completly. Next time we fish I can show you some pictures of what to expect on the extreme side. lol
If you want to get in shape walk up 20 flights of stairs, then walk down 20 flights of stairs. repeat 5 times. Do this routine every day.... Then you can hack it:)

All kidding aside, it's not that bad, just that I have bad legs and have to constantley work to keep in shape at my age.

Pat don't kid yourself, anyone that can climb like that is in pretty good shape. You know how to pace yourself.

Hey I made it halfway w/ Pat before I surendered to fishing but I still needed to climb the rest of the way out. And the pain in my legs only lasted for 1 day so I guess for my age I can still climb mountains:) I'm ready to do it again and again.

Stagger_Lee wrote:
Yea Pcray .. I'm in for that as well. I really need to get into this b/ as much as I love to fish (catch'em) I have really learned to appreciate the sounds of the creek. Looking forward to getting into some scenic spots as I haven't really experienced that yet.

Better start hitting the gym b/ ADucker told me abt one of the places I think you took him last fall
That creek is cake. :)
Aducker wrote:
hehe I hope I didn't scare you off completly. Next time we fish I can show you some pictures of what to expect on the extreme side. lol
If you want to get in shape walk up 20 flights of stairs, then walk down 20 flights of stairs. repeat 5 times. Do this routine every day.... Then you can hack it:)

I think you guys are going to need a doctor on this trip...
Ya know, with the spring jam coming up those of you going could hook up and have a sub jam in a jam. :)
You know how to pace yourself.

The "secret" is giddy enthusiasm about catching easy 6" trouts and being in pretty places. Your never tired when the adrenaline is flowing. You can then keep going and going like the energizer bunny. And for me, it never gets old, that adrenaline doesn't fade until I'm back in the car.

I'm fine until, after driving home, I get out of the car. Stiffness becomes apparant. And my wife always jokes "I thought you fished to relax and recover, but you come back here far worse than when you left!"

But it's totally worth it.
I'm convinced that my increase in small stream fly fishing played a MAJOR role in my weight loss this past year. I'm a huge supporter of the idea that fly fishing is indeed exercise!

The first time I fished with Sal, we went to a small Lanc freestoner. I was about 345lbs and struggled desperately to keep up. I fished that stream on Saturday and rocked it. No problems at all. Love it. Its my favorite kind of fishing.