New Sage X replaces the One

In my opinion Sage rods are dry fly rods, they are not meant to sling streamers and double nymph rigs. The tips are so responsive that the rods aren't stiff enough IMO and the rigs just over-run the rod. Now I don't own any of their "streamer" rods like a Salt but their rods are very soft in my opinion. Some will def. disagree but my oldest designed Sage is a ZXL def. a dry fly rod but is my fav. of the bunch.

That's a bit like saying, "In my opinion, Fords (or Chevys, not picking a side there) are just light, cheap passenger vehicles. They are not meant for hauling anything. The cargo areas are small and the ground clearance is low, and they just don't have the power or size to haul anything.

"Oh by the way, I've never used any of their pickup trucks or utility vans, just a Fiesta (or a Spark) and it's definitely just meant to get you from point A to point B, but I like it."

I had a chance to cast it this past Sunday at TCO in Boiling Springs. Good rod, probably great. Biggest take away was the feedback. This is a fast and powerful rod that has the feedback of my far n fine, which is not a comparison I would make lightly. Most rods I have cast with this much power do not have this level of sensitivity down near the grip.

what does that mean?

to me it means I can be more accurate. I can feel better when my tracking is off. when my casting stroke goes out of plane or when I apply power in the wrong place or time in the casting stroke I can feel it, instantly with the Sage X. So with that sensitivity comes the ability to more accurately adjust, compensate, or fix my cast on the fly which leads to much better control and ultimately: accuracy both in distance and laterally.

I left that last bit off the podcast because I forgot to put it in my notes while recording but there it is.

I agree with the guys who bring up the price point and diminishing returns. Will I buy a Sage X? probably not brand new. I've got other priorities in life right now and our guide service is not on the Sage Pro Program. Would I if $ were no object, yeah...yeah I would. It fit my casting style nicely and I could see using it in competition casting events as well as fishing bigger waters, which typically those two areas (in my mind) don't always overlap but that's a podcast for another time.

So I posted this podcast in the Print and Audio Forum but since it seems on topic for here I will post it again. Sorry Mod's if I'm selflessly promoting my podcast too much! tell DKile I want to record a Mod's Podcast episode covering 20years of PaFlyFish. Maybe we can record it down on DKile's Private beach in Maryland ;-) ;-) :p :pint:

Here's the podcast, let me know what you guys think!

Man, I almost cast one today but decided to go fish instead of heading to the shop where they have a demo.

I want to hate because the ONE wound up being a real let down to me, but it's probably great.
Great, a Sage graphite ten? I just got good enough to use the Sage graphite III model.
Gloomis out does Sage on price with new rod
I feel dirty just pronouncing that rod. LOL. Like the guy in the comments section wrote "for a $1000, rather buy a raft"
If I am lucky they will drop the price of the NRX a little because of the release of this rod
ONE is staying in the lineup.
Got a link that says so?

Surely it's getting an update or something, else I doubt we'd see the retailers marking their stock down.
This rod business is getting ridiculous and if folks don't approve, speak with your wallets - stop buying these overpriced sticks and they'll stop makin them.
All this science and anal-yzation and hyper-critical review for a fishin' pole ...yeah it's business (for somebody) but for cryin out loud stand back and look at it in perspective - it's only about catchin a freakin' fish. $1000 for a rod, $75 for a line, $400 a reel, $500 waders, $150 vest and who knows how much on flies and accessories, just to catch a fish. the more I see this crap on TV and people in magazines actin like fishing is as important as health care or farming the less i want to do with fishing. it was a hell of a lot more fun years ago when you just went fishing without being a poster boy for some sporting goods conglomerate. Imagine if we personally invested this much effort, money and technology in something like habitat.

Needless to say i will not be purchasing a $1000 stick of carbon cloth and epoxy, the old ones still work just fine.
Check it out
Just casted the X. Definitely an improvement from the One, but not drastic enough to make me consider picking one up, especially considering the price.

I bet they would move more if they reduced the price and offered the difference for a warranty. They would probably even make more on repairs that way to.
I got to fish the 5 and the 6. I like it much better than the uno, too.
It just seems to feel better and not as demanding for line and leader presentation control. But a chunk of money, even with a discount.