new movie out

"The River Why" is awful in my opinion. The plot is all over the place. The movie is about fishing, yet it isn't about fishing. It's just really cheesy. I know a lot of people don't care for "A River Runs Through It", but it is such a better film.
IMDb has critic as well as member ratings. River Runs Through It is a great movie and it should be watched!!
turkey wrote:
stevehalupka wrote:
a river runs through it... lmfao

just check out the '12 film tour for good **** you pecks

Another stellar post

right... you sure do offer a lot to the table.

a wonder that talented people is a rarity here anymore...

Here's the trailer...

Man elitism sure did just blow up.

A River Runs Through It is a GOOD movie. Whether the fly fishing is right or not, it doesn't take away from the fact that its just a flat out good movie.
stal42 wrote:
Cornholio wrote:
Is 'The River Why' any good?

Never seen the movie, but I started reading it on vacation last week and I'm enjoying it so far.

Finished the book over the weekend as I had some quiet time. I really enjoyed the book. From what I've heard, I might not like the film but I still plan to check it out at some point given my enjoyment of the novel.

I have to freeze the frame and check this "10-inch tippet"