New Hip

Wishing you good luck and speedy recovery to get back out to the water.
Fortunately for me I only had one of the four conditions that can create calcification of heart valves and arteries. I have great blood pressure, no diabetes, and no cholesterol problems. I try not to eat fried foods or those swimming in butter. I was a long time smoker. The cardiologist told me if I had the other three conditions I'd most likely of had a stroke or heart attack by now.
Fortunately for me I only had one of the four conditions that can create calcification of heart valves and arteries. I have great blood pressure, no diabetes, and no cholesterol problems. I try not to eat fried foods or those swimming in butter. I was a long time smoker. The cardiologist told me if I had the other three conditions I'd most likely of had a stroke or heart attack by now.
Best of luck with your surgery in January. Just got my Cardiac Score back this week and not good news. Chasing down a cardiologist now to get figure some things out.
Keep us posted on your progress. You got this and you'll be putting fish in the net in no time 🙏
Good luck with everything Matt.

I had a really nice evening on the WB last year in front of your cabin.
Maybe we can hook up there next year
Best of luck to you. I had open heart surgery in 12/2015 to replace my mitral valve(organic pig valve that I will probably outlive). It was a freak coincidence since I had no symptoms. I had internal bleeding from Crohn's Disease, which was why I was at the doctor's office in the first place.

A first year medical student asked if she could listen to my heart and told me that I had a murmur. I didn't even know what a murmur was. The cardio surgeon said that I don't have and heart disease or artery blockage. I haven't smoked a cigarette in over 40 years.

Nobody could ever figure out why I had internal bleeding.

I go to the doctor again on 1/03 for my Lisfranc foot injury. I've been out of work for 3 months, and I didn't need the surgery for this injury like most patients do. I haven't fished in over 3 months and gained 7 pounds doing nothing since the end of September. I am ready to get back to a normal life as the rest of the board knows you are as well.
As my dear father would so eloquently put it, “You’ll live long enough to **** on my tombstone!” May God make it so. I’ll be glad to have my soon to be 73 year old carcass meet you for several pleasant hours of chasing trout.
I can only hope I'm able to fish if I even get to y'all's age.

Wbranch, good luck with your surgeries.
Best of luck with this additional surgery. Hope to see new tales of your adventures on the water soon.

Prayers for a rapid recovery,
Good luck with everything Matt.

I had a really nice evening on the WB last year in front of your cabin.
Maybe we can hook up there next year
I surely hope so. Anytime you see a green Outback parked there stop in and say hello.
Best of luck with this additional surgery. Hope to see new tales of your adventures on the water soon.

Prayers for a rapid recovery,
Thanks for the well wishes and especially the prayers. I've got 60 years of trout fishing and a bunch of wild experiences
3rdI can only hope I'm able to fish if I even get to y'all's age.

Wbranch, good luck with your surgeries.
Thanks! Pushing 80 and while I can't wade very well anymore I can still throw a heck of a line and catch big fish


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Best of luck to you. I had open heart surgery in 12/2015 to replace my mitral valve(organic pig valve that I will probably outlive). It was a freak coincidence since I had no symptoms. I had internal bleeding from Crohn's Disease, which was why I was at the doctor's office in the first place.

A first year medical student asked if she could listen to my heart and told me that I had a murmur. I didn't even know what a murmur was. The cardio surgeon said that I don't have and heart disease or artery blockage. I haven't smoked a cigarette in over 40 years.

Nobody could ever figure out why I had internal bleeding.

I go to the doctor again on 1/03 for my Lisfranc foot injury. I've been out of work for 3 months, and I didn't need the surgery for this injury like most patients do. I haven't fished in over 3 months and gained 7 pounds doing nothing since the end of September. I am ready to get back to a normal life as the rest of the board knows you are as well.
Wow, a heck of a story. Thank God for the interest of the medical student to listen to your heart.

My story is similar. I was having my annual physical and the doctor listened to my heart and said I had a mild heart murmur. I had an echocardigram within a few days and it was confirmed. That was September of 2017. Since there was a baseline I had to have another Echo but this time the result was."Severe". If it hadn't been detected in 2017 the hip surgery might of been done and I likely would of had severe complications.
I hope all goes well for you with the surgeries.

I’d be happy to be that retired guy to fish with you when our schedules connect. I plan to be up on the D even more next year.

Be well!!!
Looking forward to it Jim. Merry Christmas.
Thanks! Pushing 80 and while I can't wade very well anymore I can still throw a heck of a line and catch big fish

They'll be many more big fish after the surgery I'm sure!
All the best with your surgery. I can Identify with the wading issue. My fishing is now on a bank or in a boat.GG
I just saw this and want to wish you the very best of luck with the upcoming surgery. As has been said before, "you got this"!!!
Good luck, Matt. I hope things go well and that you can get back after the trout after your surgeries. Having a few issues myself (not as serious as yours), I admire your positive attitude and hope that I can develop an attitude like yours. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Remember: be strong and fight hard!