New fly rod concept

These rods are so ugly. The McRib sucks....
Just sayin
Good sir, the McRib is awesome. That is all.
Confession...I've never even actually had one. But boneless ribs in the shape of, well, ribs. That's innovative.
Confession...I've never even actually had one. But boneless ribs in the shape of, well, ribs. That's innovative.

But do they flex deep into the bun?
I know we're way OT but I just cracked up out loud. My wife is staring at me now.

salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Confession...I've never even actually had one. But boneless ribs in the shape of, well, ribs. That's innovative.

But do they flex deep into the bun?

That's what she said
Flexing into the butt....such a.......such a pre-1990's concept. Maybe goes back to the 50's.
I wouldn't call this a gimmick, but I wonder what the actual % benefit is. I feel that a fair way to look at it in terms of casting power is you get the power (stored mechanical energy in the flexed rod) of a 4-6" longer rod. So, for the size of the rod, you get more power, without the modest extra eight in that 4-6" longer rod (more dead weight in the butt (haha))

But having so much power/weight advantage that it makes the difference between being able to fish and not being able to fish, due to arm soreness? that seems a bit.... dreamy.

Applaud them for trying something new. Time will tell how well it works, I guess. I expect it to have some improvement for specific situations. Whether those situations fit the style of fishing I do, I dunno.

I'm not an early adopter when it comes to rods, and am content to wait to see what happens.
I maybe fishing for the wrong fish....I have never even thought about arm stress.
Now if we can just find a way to put food in our bellies and not eat while we are fishing. Or some bacteria in our stomach that will make it so that we don't have to sh__ __, cause taking them waders off or down can be a hassle.

Maybe a zip lock wader - now that would be an invention.