New fly rod concept



Jun 11, 2012
Was browsing and came across this. Curious as to what some of our experts think on the concept.

Sorry if this has been posted before.
In my opinion, it's a gimmick. Most softer fly rods do flex through the cork. Conversely, a lot of bamboo rods have a swelled butt that prevents the blank from flexing down into the grip.

Can't blame them for trying though.
Why complicate the simplicity we all love?
Why assume its a gimmick? these guys have clearly spent a lot of time and energy developing this concept, and i don't think its right to deem their concept a gimmick just because it is different from what we currently use. just my opinion.
I've seen bamboo rods made with spaces between the cork rings in the handle, with the idea of allowing the rod to flex the whole way down, without the handle interfering. Whether that made any difference, I don't know.

But, from the video it looks like this is different than just trying to get the rod to flex the whole way down.

It looks like the rod is attached just at the very butt end, and that the attachment allows the rod to pivot, i.e. swing freely back and forth within the hollow handle, for a short distance, before it hits the inside of the hollow handle.

The idea, I think, is that the rod will move faster this way, because it is unconstrained by your fingers. And if the rod moves faster, it will create greater line speed.

It seems somewhat similar to the idea of the "power snap" where at the very end of the forward casting stroke, you push down with the thumb and squeeze with the fingers, creating a forward rotation that creates speed at the rod tip that is additional to what you get from the forward arm motion.
Remember Popeil's Pocket Fisherman? Now that was innovation.
evw659 wrote:
Why assume its a gimmick? these guys have clearly spent a lot of time and energy developing this concept, and i don't think its right to deem their concept a gimmick just because it is different from what we currently use. just my opinion.

I'm not using the word gimmick negatively. I mean gimmick in the true definition of the word. Its solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Read their description again. Nowhere do they claim higher line speed, better casting accuracy, or easier distance casting. They claim a smoother and more enjoyable angling experience or some such thing. I'm all about the entrepreneurial spirit and small businesses. Maybe it'll succeed.

Dwight, I think the extra length of blank allowed to flex due to the hollow grip would allow it to flex deeper into the thickest part of the blank generating more power. I don't think it would cause the rod to move faster though. If anything I think it would be slower.

FWIW I'd be willing to try one. Maybe I'd be surprised.
Thanks for posting this. Neat concept. Sounds like this got off the ground but I wonder how well the market is taking it?

Re Dave's comments about the ventilated grip system: the great Paul Young (no relation, unfortunately) used this at times. Of the dozen or so PHY Perfectionists that I've ffished and cast, one of the 2 best used a ventilated grip. It was built by Paul for his wife Martha Marie. The action, of course, was a parabolic of the PHY school (as opposed to Ritzes, Pezon Michels, ete) and the whole blank comes into play, unlike the Leonard and such swelled butt tapers. So the grip there made a very noticeable difference, and was an improvement on one of the great all time tapers.

Need to track down an Arctic Silver Full Flex. I want one. In fact, I NEED one.

i guess you guys don't appreciate innovation.

evw659 wrote:
i guess you guys don't appreciate innovation.

So buy one and tell us how wonderful it is.
evw659 wrote:
i guess you guys don't appreciate innovation.

That's a silly thing to say. I love the McRib and until 1981 nobody thought those little 450 calorie beauties were even possible. But we never gave up hope and the human spirit prevailed.

Les, I love PHY tapers (the ones I've actually tried) but I've never had the opportunity to cast one with the ventilated grip. I had Bill Critchfield build me a wet fly rod built on a stretched Para taper. It'll bend into the cork.
Sorry for what lurks underneath the bridge...found it intresting...some ideas are better that others
Very interesting. If the company actually gets off the ground and starts producing rods, [d]time[/d] casting and fishing the rods will tell if the concept works or not.
Hey. At least its not another Alibaba rod company. They're actually developing their product from the start. I have no interest in ever owning or casting one (and I disagree with his statement that fly rods are better now than they ever were), but go for it. I'm sure they'll find many many people who are down with this.
It seems interesting but Im sure its not going to be in BassPro any time soon :)

evw659 wrote:
i guess you guys don't appreciate innovation.
no way-willow branches,silk thread and bent pins are all any real flyfisherman needs.
Since Gfen never gets further than bath tub angling I understand mocking gimmicks like graphite rods. :)
look guys, the only thing here that i don't like is some people assuming that this new concept fly rod is junk, some sort of business ploy to trick people, or just don't like it because it is different, after only seeing one trailer. Maybe it is complete junk, maybe its a niche rod thats advantageous only in certain casting situations, maybe it casts like a dream, you just don't know.
My second post wasn't meant to target the forum as a whole, only the couple people that showed a lack of appreciation for the innovation, and assumed its a gimmick with little to no knowledge of the concept. Maybe you guys do appreciate the creativity/ innovation, i shouldn't have assumed that you didn't. only so much can be conveyed through words on a computer screen.
Wery, wery interesting.
turkey wrote:
evw659 wrote:
i guess you guys don't appreciate innovation.

That's a silly thing to say. I love the McRib and until 1981 nobody thought those little 450 calorie beauties were even possible. But we never gave up hope and the human spirit prevailed.

Wasn't expecting an ode to the Mcrib…Good stuff!