New development / good news for the Lehigh River

Thanks to the Friends of the Lehigh River for providing these details. Whether you agree with their position or not, this information is valuable to all who enjoy the river in many different ways.
LehighRegular wrote:
Timmy and ALL

The LCFA, LRSA and PA TU have prepared position papers on this issue and will be well represented at the Meeting on the 9th.

Here is a link to our position paper

That said the Friends of the Lehigh is a rafting/kayaker FB page. They are pushing their propoganda which most of their statements are not even known yet.

For example, they are saying the Flow Plans are in jeopardy. NOT TRUE. There is no information even leading up to that statement. In fact the Study will examine Congressional ReAuthorization which would allow for additional uses at FEW and this would preserve the Flow Plans. I agree that the FLow Plans can't be lost and must be used as a baseline.

There is a lot of speculation being thrown around and no one will know until the 9th. I suggest if you are interested in learning about this process to attend and be vocal about your position.

There is a lot at stake, both good and bad. The fishery has the most to gain. The WW Rafters are scared their livelihood will be lost, rightfully so. If done right, all interests and stakeholders can have their piece of the pie.

I agree, "There is a lot at stake, both good and bad."

Above stated, the LCFA, LRSA and PA TU have a great plan for conservation and improvement of the Lehigh River as a coldwater fishery.

But I look at the whole project cautiously, as others do since the above mentioned fishing and conservation organizations influence pales in comparison to the influence and interests and of one of the largest and wealthiest cities on the planet.

The constant battle back and forth on the Upper Delaware about the management of the flow with NYC is something to look at as an example of what can happen on the Lehigh. The possibility of a PA reservoir and river being controlled for the benefit of New York is something that doesn't sit right with a lot folks.

Plus the added flow of Lehigh being used to lower the salt line of the Delaware River for drinking water to cities downstream allows the Upper Delaware flow to be reduced, thus jeopardizing the Upper Delaware fishery.

Again, the project is very complex and fluid, no pun intended. We all should pay attention to what is happened and voice our opinions to the decision-makers involved in the project.

Not sure if this was posted before.

I think this is probably bad for the Lehigh. I'm not sure how it would hurt the upper delaware though. Correct me if I'm wrong but isnt Montague upstream of Easton?

In other words flow from the Lehigh doesnt affect the montague target?

Also, how many times are releases from cannonsville or pepacton increased to hit the montague target? All I found was this list of thermal releases.

I dont think NYC or NYCDEP has conservation in mind at all, so it's probably not a good thing for the Lehigh.

Also for the guy who keeps talking about NY getting water from the Hudson, what are you even talking about? The source of the delaware river is in NY as are the reservoirs.
Well, the hudson is a giant river that runs right into NYC, it makes a little more sense to me to explore getting water from there than pumping it thru leaky ducts 100 miles away, especially when you are spending lots of money to do it. It was just a question/thought.

No filtration is needed for the Catskill water that comes through the gravity fed aqueducts. Hudson water would require filtration. Which is a massive expense.
Sorry timmy, I came across like a dick. VC explained it better than me above.
No worries man, we are all on the same team here!
Anybody from Chester COunty, etc that wants a ride up to the FEW meeting should give me a holler.
With global warming I think the real importance with water will be will New York be underwater.
NYC should look to conservation of their resources and limit growth.
One part of me wouldn't mind seeing it flood but the other part of me doesn't want the giant sewer rats pushed further west due to rising water levels. LoL
I am not going to be able to make it tomorrow, any way to watch this meeting from afar via the internet?
I am not sure about a stream. But if you are able to attend it should be popcorn worthy. Pasted below is how the study is being positioned.

Surely, from an environmental and recreational standpoint, this study is a concern. However, the articles citing the $37M recreational industry FEW currently supports must be joking. That's a big chunk for rural PA, but barely pocket change for NYC whose residents NEED more and more water.

Billy Ray Valentine says "I got your measly....thirty seven million dollars....right here....with interest!"

I doubt those who will make the decision about what to do with FEW will consider the relative economic impacts of the decision. Even so, using Lehigh River water to offset the rise in sea level as suggested is, at best, a short term solution. FEW can only hold and release so much water. It would be better for NCY to have a long term plan for meeting the water needs of its residents.
I saw this posted on a facebook group and thought it would be interesting here too;

According to Mr. Rush, NYC's only interest in the FEW study is the wellbeing of the good folks of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Sounds fishy to me.

While he seems to go out of his way to dispel the rumors that NYC is interested in (all those bad things), it sure sounds like that's exactly what they're interested in (all those bad things). The bottom line is, NY's reservoirs currently bear the brunt of responsibility in keeping the salt line at bay (pun intended). If climate change causes the salt line to push further up river, their impoundments will be required to push more water. That means less drinking water for NYC customers. So ultimately, their interest in FEW is indeed drinking water. Just in a roundabout way.

The scary part (to me anyway) is at the end of the article: "We are, however, interested in seeing the Army Corps conduct a fair, comprehensive, science-based study that could help all of us who rely on the Delaware River to survive and thrive."

What concerns me about this statement is that it's almost a guarantee that any "science based study" will result in FEW being used to supplement the NY reservoir's releases to push the salt line back. If the only thing being considered is the math of the problem, then there is no doubt FEW will be used to assist in pushing water. Ignoring stakeholders (which is sure what that statement sounds like) would be simplifying a complex problem.
Maybe I am just being naive about this whole thing.

At the end of the day if there is more water put into FEW that means colder water. Right now the Corps can only temporarily store water that uses up 15% of the flood storage. If the study determines that another 10% can be used of that flood storage with out compromising the flood storage capability then that means colder water at the bottom of the lake. And yes I am well aware that cold water will most likely deplete at some point during the summer however it is better than what we have.

Even better would be a determination by the study that leads to modification of the tower. That would be even better news for the fishery and ecosystem.

There are currently two designated purposes of Walter. Flood Control and Recreation. Those are not going anywhere. So maybe a third purpose will be added. But if that third purpose leads to anything mentioned above how is that a bad thing?

Besides the Montague target is not going anywhere. NYC will always need to meet that. Do people really think any of the downstream states will approve a decrease of the Montague target?

Lets see where this goes.

What concerns me about this statement is that it's almost a guarantee that any "science based study" will result in FEW being used to supplement the NY reservoir's releases to push the salt line back. If the only thing being considered is the math of the problem, then there is no doubt FEW will be used to assist in pushing water. Ignoring stakeholders (which is sure what that statement sounds like) would be simplifying a complex problem.

How do you justify that statement? Then why are they even doing the study? Why not just skip the study and enter into an agreement and screw everyone. Cmon!!

This is the kind of statements that are inaccurate and misleading. Its a very complex situation and I don't expect everyone to understand the process, but based on my experiences and the meetings I have been in the ACOE and other stakeholders , there is nothing true about what is being portrayed by that statement. Is it a possibility of that occurring, sure...but I think its a very low risk of happening for a variety of reasons.

IMO, this may be our best chance at getting real modification and re-authorizations for fishing/recreation at FEW. As it stands right now, NOTHING is guaranteed, even the yearly Flow Plans and water storage for those plans. The ACOE can discontinue at a moments notice. With this study, we have the potential to get guaranteed water for the fishery, extra water storage in FEW to benefit the Lehigh and Lower Delaware, and hopefully build a new control tower capable of selective level releases.

But until the Study explores all these issues we can't get over excited and make assumptions. We can express our concerns and request that there is "NO NET LOSS" from the current plans on Lehigh River and Upper Delaware systems. When the recommendations come out then that is when we all need to be very vocal and request what is best for the fishery and recreation.
There is a TON of miss information being passed around

There is soooo many people coming out of nowhere claiming they have insider information that we are screwed. All of it we have tried to track down has lead nowhere or is complete B.S.

This study represents the best opportunity to get legal protection for the fishery. Currently there is zero, and only through the discretion of the USACE allowing raising the pool level annually as encroachment into flood control do we have anything in terms of support in flows for the wild trout fishery. The 1998 declaration adding recreation to FEW dam as a second mission fell short of specify anything flow related.
While there certainly risks with DRBC/NYC DEP getting involved, they have extensive background in dealing with us in terms of maintaining the Upper Delaware Fishery (which has legal protection)

Here is some stats on the situation in regards to potential impacts F.E.W could have on the Delaware basin. (Its a bit of a scratch pad on this)

Annual additional storage from April to Oct in FEW results in + 6.5 billion gallons of water used in weekend whitewater release and augmented minimum flows. While the DRBC does not direct these releases, they have been directly benefiting with meeting the Trenton Flow target for the last 5+ years with this extra water already. 6.5 billion gallons is half of what the DRBC already has in reserves (13 billion gallons) in Beltzville lake south of FEW on a tributary to the Lehigh. Also 6.5 billion is quite small compare to the 271 billion in the 3 Upper Delaware reservoirs. So we are curious (and cautious ) as to the value FEW represent DRBC/NYC.

Regardless please follow Lehigh Coldwater Alliance Facebook page for updates and you can review more info on our site.


If you trust NYC and their word read the article about their resent battles concerning the flow from the upper Delaware.

From the article, there is a quote stating that they (NYC) found a federally controlled reservoir that could be used for controlling flows downstream allowing them to keep more water in their system. They are referring to the FEW since there are no other federally controlled reservoirs on the Delaware. Their intent is clear. From the linked article >

"Bosch says the city has done advanced scientific modeling that show changes that could benefit all parties. For example, he said New York City has proposed using a flood mitigation reservoir controlled by the federal government to help keep the salt line from reaching Philadelphia’s water supply. Currently, New York City releases drinking water reserves during a drought."

Article about control of flows by NYC >


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