Neoprene waders



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
So I've been searching around for some neoprene waders; just a simple pair of stocking foots.

The last pair I bought was probably 5 years ago. They're hodgman and I'm sure I got them at Walmart for around $40. It seems to me in the last 5 years that neoprene waders have about doubled in price. I found some hodgmans at Walmart for $52, but they're blue. All the other ones I found are around $80. What's the deal? Anyone out there have a good neoprene wader they have found or have for a decent price?
Ry I usually just shop around until I find the sale I'm lookin for. The last pair I bought from ****s on sale for 50 bucks or so. They're hodgemans in the green color. I don't spend more than 50 bucks on neoprene's because they may only see use 2 or 3 times a year. Keep your eyes open, they'll show up. Cabelas has their 5mm on sale for 60 but I'm sure you can find a better deal.
I boughta pair of stearns neoprenes about 5 years ago from FFP for $60. I believe that they're made by hodgman.
Anyway, they have held up fine - but I only wear them in march and early april - then again in late october and november.

They are a good bit tougher than breathables, and I don't think you could go wrong buying just about any brand.
I would stick with the 3 mm thickness however. The 5 mm can be pretty confining
Yeah I don't remember what the thickness of mine are, but they're quite tight now. I mainly use them when I'm doing my winter steelhead fishing. I've never used my breathables (just got new ones) yet at that time of year, but I think I'd still rather have neoprenes. I just need to remember how much clothing I typically wear that time of year and make sure they're big enough lol.

Anyone ever buy items from Dunham's sports? They just put one in a few months ago right across the street from my office. I've stopped in a few times basically to look around. They email me a 20% off coupon every week.

I have a pair of hodgemans I don't use. they're pretty big, if you're interested pm me. I'm downsizing right now and I got to clear out this stuff I don't use.
nevermind, I just went looking for them and I must have already given them away then go to the outlet tab.... its hodmans clearance section.... they always have awesome deals on neopremes
I have only bought one pair of Neoprenes, They are 14 years old, bootfoot lug sole Hodgeman Lakestreams they are also 5 mm thick with thinsulate. I love these for Steelheading and winter fishing.With a Handwarmer in each boot im as warm as i am in my Deer hunting clothes.Only thing i have done to them is ground off the lugs and done a Korkers studded felt kit , they are even better now.
And to this day they are leak proof, One hint.
If you have neoprenes or any other type of waders with neoprene booties, always hang them up , if its in the basement or garage ..keep them away from the heater, by placing them right within the heater they will dry rot for sure.
I use two type of hangers.I use a wader hanger that looks similiar to a clothing hanger but made from Heavy Guage Aluminum wire, it holds my Breathables and i have a extra just like it when i am fishing away from home.
the other hanger i use is designed just for bootfoot waders, i always hang my bootfoot waders from these.
Proper care for your equipment means you will have more money to spend elsewhere. Pm me if you need details.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
P.S. if the Hodgeman's ever deep six, im gonna get a pair of them water fowl neoprene 1600 from Cabela's
Lonewolve wrote:
..keep them away from the heater, by placing them right within the heater they will dry rot for sure.

Sounds like a good way to burn the house down. ;-)

Rick - Ever use a Peet wader dryer? They're awesome....
Lol opps my bad i meant anywhere within say 10 feet of your heater.
Peet wader dryer goes on every Great Lakes Tributary Trip as well as is also used after winter fishing as well.
I use the hangers to store as well as keep waders in great condition
I would also suggest 5 mm for your purpose. Anyone who has gone cold water ffing with me has seen my delapidated pair that I bought at llbean about 15 years ago . They keep you warm and can handle the abuse I put them through.
I have a pair that sprung a leak about 20 years ago that I still use for ice fishing...keeps me warm, dry, and would help me float if I go through the ice.
The 5mm would be a little warmer for sure. But you may want to get them a little larger. As mentioned before, the one pair that I had were pretty stiff to walk in
Hang them upside down with rolled up newspapers stuffed in the legs.Works fine.
On the bright side I have a friend of mine that uses his neopremes
in the winter when he rides his motorcycle,says you can't beat them for that.
to the op..

i know you've heard it before but...

if the water is moving in erie, you can get away w. breathables.

I wear 1 pair of gonia wool socks, wool gloves, capilene 3 wicking layer, capilene 2 above that, and my wading jacket along with ll bean's fleece wading pants. I never, ever, get cold. Those neo's are just too uncomfortable and I never noticed a difference in the warmth if I layered right.

the capilene is f'in expensive but so worth the comfort of breathable material. Besides, neo's make me sweat, thus making me even colder when I stop walking.
stevehalupka wrote:
to the op..

i know you've heard it before but...

if the water is moving in erie, you can get away w. breathables.

I wear 1 pair of gonia wool socks, wool gloves, capilene 3 wicking layer, capilene 2 above that, and my wading jacket along with ll bean's fleece wading pants. I never, ever, get cold. Those neo's are just too uncomfortable and I never noticed a difference in the warmth if I layered right.

the capilene is f'in expensive but so worth the comfort of breathable material. Besides, neo's make me sweat, thus making me even colder when I stop walking.

