Need help



Mar 20, 2011
I just got a fly rod reel and some flies in a trade and im having a rough time having any luck. so i was wondering if there is anyone who fishes the north fork creek in brookville pa jefferson countyor the one in polk pa Venango county who could posibly give me a lesson or 2. Thanks!
The people around here are always ready to help, but I guess there is no one in your area that saw this thread, just keep checking.
he's right, ppl are willing to help. also, getting involved in some local organization, like TU, can be beneficial. i'm willing to bet there's something nearby. get to know some local ppl, somebody would be willing to give some lessons. but, in the meantime do a little research and ask some questions. People will help ya out.
I fish around polk quite a bit. if you could drive another 40 minutes or so, you may consider coming to the newby jam we're having in volant. I'm sure it will be a good time and hopefully some folks will learn a thing or two!
see the "western pa instructional mini-jam" thread in the general forum.
i was considering that but i will be in mossouri for the army at that time sounds like a blast tho. is there anything else like that goin on around here
Marcus.... I'm fairly new to this sport also so not sure how much I can help but I am willing to help all I can. Little Sandy Creek in Polk is one of my favorite streams and will be hitting it as often as possible in May. My free weekends are limited so I tend to go some in the evening after work. I'll PM you my email address if you would like and we can try to get together.


I'm not familiar with those waters so can't suggest an opinion on how to fish 'em. I'm assuming they're trout streams. Have you tried fishing other areas or for other fish? Often, beginners who are picking up a fly rod for the first time often assume they need to go catch trout and head straight to some tough fishing. If it's a wild trout stream or is a famous creek with special regulations....catching trout can be tough even for those of us with decades of experience. You might try hitting a local pond or lake for sunfish. They're great fun and easy to catch. As for a fishing partner, check out a local outdoor shop or your local Trout Unlimited chapter as they can usually tell you what's locally available with regards to classes or instruction for beginners.
Marcus ill meet up with you and teach you how to fly fish just as soon as i learn myself. How does your 2016 look? Best of luck. :)