Native Brook Trout to be added to PA's Wildlife Action Plan

So you want us to write to the PFBC and show support for adding brook trout to the wildlife action plan but ONLY FOR SE PA? OK, consider it done. And, there is no need to thank me.
jack i belive your sarcasm is getting old with me. and no, habitat needs restorted all over the state. but special protections are needed for the sepa region.
Pardon me, Sal, I'll see if I can make my sarcasm a bit more refreshing to you from now on.
Well, in places in SE PA where more restrictive harvest regs over wild brook trout would actually make a discernible difference (certainly another open question in it's own right..), I've long been of the viewpoint that regs could be fine tuned for various portions of the state or even in a watershed specific manner to better mirror management objectives and fisheries realities. To that end, I don't see why streams in say Berks County couldn't have a different (more restrictive) baseline general reg for harvest of wild brook trout than streams in say, Cameron County.

I know a lot of folks seem to believe this level of regs specificity wouldn't work, but in point of fact, a pretty fair number of states fine tune these things this much and even more and it seems to work ok for them.

One monkey wrench of course, is the number of fish PA stocks. Adding this additional level of identification to angler responsibility is problematic, I'll admit. The less PA is in the hatchery biz, at least the raising catchables portion of it, the easier this sort of regs tuning would be.

Still, I think it could be done if they wanted to.

I was going to say that it would be too cumbersome from a sportsman's stand point....but look what the game com. did with buck regs. They are managing in zones. So why not with fish.
it wouldnt be as hard as most people would think. we already have two openers and various special reg areas. we even have multiple regs for one watershed. a no fishing for brook trout policy would be difficult though. that is unless we are willing to stop stocking over them. i think a no kill or C&R reg in sepa would be much easier to attain. that way people could still harvest stocked trout while allowing the brookies to be returned. and heck it would allow more stockies to leave the stream faster. which is also good for the brookies.
OhioOutdoorsman wrote:
Here's a link to the proposed ammendment:

Looks spot on in its approach to me. Hopefully this will mean some federal $$$ for the efforts.

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