My new flyrod issues...

I have a small rod , but it's pretty.
Mine seems to be a very fast action. I prefer that to soft, however.

(Boys will be boys, good grief!)
Don’t forget about appropriate tackle.
;-) [/color]


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put the girlfriend in your trunk and only get her out when you need her...if she performs badly, put her away and get out the other one.
Mine seems to be a very fast action. I prefer that to soft, however.
Try thinking about baseball. Or say to yourself, "Dead puppies, Dead puppies, Dead puppies." But, never say that out loud!

Oh and you might pi$$-off a fly rod, but it it won't try break all your other $hit.
As the song says, dead puppies are no fun.

A good new flyrod - a few hundred dollars
But a flyrod that goes down and a girlfiend that goes down - priceless!

I'm already going to hell so i'm not worried.
I like this thread,it's ...........never mind.